1 /**
  2 @preserve
  4 BenchGL - A WebGL-based javascript graphic library.
  5 Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Matteo Meli.
  7 */
  9 (function() {
 11 // benchgl.js
 12 // Contains the global variable representing the framework and some utilities.
 14 // Unique global variable repesenting the framework
 15 this.BenchGL = this.BenchGL || {};
 17 // Special function to create namespaces
 18 BenchGL.namespace = function(name) {
 19 	var parts = name.split('.'),
 20 			parent = BenchGL;
 22 	if (parts[0] === 'BenchGL') {
 23 		parts = parts.slice(1);
 24 	}
 26 	for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) {
 27 		if (typeof parent[parts[i]] === 'undefined') {
 28 			parent[parts[i]] = {};
 29 		}
 30 		parent = parent[parts[i]];
 31 	}
 33 	return parent;
 34 };
 36 // Special function to globalize BenchGL library
 37 BenchGL.globalize = function() {
 38 	for (var module in BenchGL) {
 39 		for (var object in BenchGL[module]) {
 40 			window[object] = BenchGL[module][object];
 41 		}
 42 	}
 43 };
 45 // utils.js
 46 // General utility functions.
 48 // Gets a DOM element from its ID.
 49 function $(id) {
 50   return document.getElementById(id);
 51 }
 53 // This function provides a way to implement "class" inheritance.
 54 $.inherit = (function() {
 55 	var F = function() {};
 56 	return function(C, P) {
 57 		F.prototype = P.prototype;
 58 		C.prototype = new F();
 59 		C.uber = P.prototype;
 60 		C.prototype.constructor = C;
 61 	}
 62 }());
 64 // Merges two or more objects into one.
 65 $.mix = function() {
 66   var i, object, key, mix = {};
 67   for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
 68     object = arguments[i];
 69     for (key in object) {
 70       if (object.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
 71         mix[key] = object[key];
 72       }
 73     }
 74   }
 75   return mix;
 76 };
 78 // Capitalizes a string.
 79 $.capitalize = function(text) {
 80   if (text && text.length > 0) {
 81     text = text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1);
 82   }
 83   return text;
 84 };
 86 // Represents an empty function.
 87 $.empty = function() {};
 89 /**
 90  * Provides requestAnimationFrame in a cross browser way.
 91  * Copyright 2010, Google Inc.
 92  * All rights reserved.
 93  * @ignore
 94  */
 95 window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {
 96   return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
 97   window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
 98   window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
 99   window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
100   window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
101   function(callback, element) {
102     window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60);
103   };
104 }());
106 // math.js
107 // Provides a math library to handle 3D vectors, matrices and quaternions.
109 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.math.Vector3');
111 BenchGL.math.Vector3 = (function() {
113 	// Dependencies
114   var acos = Math.acos,
115   		sqrt = Math.sqrt,
117 			// Private properties and methods
118       Vector3;
120   /**
121    * Creates a new Vector3.
122    * @class Represents a vector in homogeneous 3D space.
123    * @param {Number} [x=0] The x coordinate.
124    * @param {Number} [y=0] The y coordinate.
125    * @param {Number} [z=0] The z coordinate.  
126    */
127   Vector3 = function(x, y, z) {
128     this.x = x || 0;
129     this.y = y || 0;
130     this.z = z || 0;
131   };
133   /**
134    * Copies this Vector3 in a new one.
135    * @returns {Vector3} A copy of this Vector3. 
136    */
137   Vector3.prototype.copy = function() {
138     return new Vector3(this.x, this.y, this.z);
139   };
141   /**
142    * Sets this Vector3 coordinates.
143    * @param {Number} x The x coordinate to set.
144    * @param {Number} y The y coordinate to set.
145    * @param {Number} z The z coordinate to set.
146    */
147   Vector3.prototype.set = function(x, y, z) {
148     this.x = x;
149     this.y = y;
150     this.z = z;
151   };
153   /**
154    * Gets the norm of this Vector3.
155    * @returns {Number} The norm of this Vector3.
156    */
157   Vector3.prototype.norm = function() {
158     var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
159     return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
160   };
162   /**
163    * Gets the squared norm of this Vector3.
164    * @returns {Number} The squared norm of this Vector3. 
165    */
166   Vector3.prototype.normSqr = function() {
167     var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z;
168     return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
169   };
171   /**
172    * Negates this Vector3. Does not affect this Vector3.
173    * @returns {Vector3} A new vector representing the negation of this Vector3.
174    */
175   Vector3.prototype.negate = function() {
176     return new Vector3(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z);
177   };
179  	/**
180  	 * Negates this Vector3. Affects this Vector3.
181  	 * @returns {Vector3} The negated version of this Vector3.
182  	 */
183   Vector3.prototype.$negate = function() {
184     this.x = -this.x;
185     this.y = -this.y;
186     this.z = -this.z;
187     return this;
188   };
190   /**
191    * Normalizes this Vector3. Does not affect this Vector3.
192    * @returns {Vector3} A new vector representing the normalized version of this Vector3.
193    */
194   Vector3.prototype.unit = function() {
195     var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, d = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
196     if (d > 0) {
197       return new Vector3(x / d, y / d, z / d);
198     }
199     return this.copy();
200   };
202   /**
203    * Normalizes this Vector3. Affects this Vector3.
204    * @returns {Vector3} The normalized version of this Vector3.
205    */  
206   Vector3.prototype.$unit = function(){
207     var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, d = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
208     if (d > 0) {
209       this.$scale(1 / d);
210     }
211     return this;
212   };
214   /**
215    * Adds another Vector3 to this Vector3. Does not affect this Vector3.
216    * @param {Vector3} vector The Vector3 to add.
217    * @returns {Vector3} A new vector representing the addition.
218    */
219   Vector3.prototype.add = function(vector) {
220     var x = this.x + vector.x, 
221     		y = this.y + vector.y, 
222     		z = this.z + vector.z;
223     return new Vector3(x, y, z);
224   };
226   /**
227    * Adds another Vector3 to this Vector3. Affects this Vector3.
228    * @param {Vector3} vector The Vector3 to add.
229    * @returns {Vector3} This Vector3 now stores the sum.
230    */  
231   Vector3.prototype.$add = function(vector) {
232     this.x += vector.x;
233     this.y += vector.y;
234     this.z += vector.z;
235     return this;
236   };
238   /**
239    * Subtracts another Vector3 to this Vector3. Does not affect this Vector3.
240    * @param {Vector3} vector The Vector3 to add.
241    * @returns {Vector3} A new vector representing the subtraction.
242    */    
243   Vector3.prototype.sub = function(vector) {
244     var x = this.x - vector.x, y = this.y - vector.y, z = this.z - vector.z;
245     return new Vector3(x, y, z);
246   };
248   /**
249    * Subtracts another Vector3 to this Vector3. Affects this Vector3.
250    * @param {Vector3} vector The Vector3 to add.
251    * @returns {Vector3} This Vector3 now stores the subtraction.
252    */    
253   Vector3.prototype.$sub = function(vector) {
254     this.x -= vector.x;
255     this.y -= vector.y;
256     this.z -= vector.z;
257     return this;
258   };
260   /**
261    * Scales this Vector3 by a factor. Does not affect this Vector3.
262    * @param {Number} f The factor to scale this Vector3 with.
263    * @returns {Vector3} A new vector representing the scaled version of this Vector3.
264    */
265   Vector3.prototype.scale = function(f) {
266     var x = this.x * f, y = this.y * f, z = this.z * f;
267     return new Vector3(x, y, z);
268   };
270   /**
271    * Scales this Vector3 by a factor. Affects this Vector3
272    * @param {Number} f The factor to scale this Vector3 with.
273    * @returns {Vector3} This Vector3 now is scaled.
274    */  
275   Vector3.prototype.$scale = function(f) {
276     this.x *= f;
277     this.y *= f;
278     this.z *= f;
279     return this;
280   };
282   /**
283    * Calculates the angle between this and another Vector3.
284    * @param {Vector3} vector The other Vector3 to calculate the angle with.
285    * @returns {Number} The angle between the two Vector3.
286    */
287   Vector3.prototype.angleWith = function(vector) {
288     var dot = this.dot(vector), normThis = this.norm(), normThat = vector.norm();
289     return acos(dot / (normThis * normThat));
290   };
292   /**
293    * Calculates the distance between this and another Vector3.
294    * @param {Vector3} vector The other Vector3 to calculate the distance with.
295    * @returns {Number} The distance between the two Vector3.
296    */
297   Vector3.prototype.distTo = function(vector) {
298     var x = this.x - vector.x, y = this.y - vector.y, z = this.z - vector.z;
299     return sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z);
300   };
302   /**
303    * Calculates the squared distance between this and another Vector3.
304    * @param {Vector3} vector The other Vector3 to calculate the distance with.
305    * @returns {Number} The squared distance between the two Vector3.
306    */  
307   Vector3.prototype.distToSqr = function(vector) {
308     var x = this.x - vector.x, y = this.y - vector.y, z = this.z - vector.z;
309     return (x * x + y * y + z * z);
310   };
312   /**
313    * Computes the dot product between this and another Vector3.
314    * @param {Vector3} vector The other Vector3 to compute the dot product with.
315    * @returns {Number} The dot product.
316    */
317   Vector3.prototype.dot = function(vector) {
318     return (this.x * vector.x + this.y * vector.y + this.z * vector.z);
319   };
321   /**
322    * Computes the cross product between this and another Vector3. 
323    * Does not affect this Vector3.
324    * @param {Vector3} vector The other Vector3 to compute the dot product with.
325    * @returns {Vector3} A new vector representing the croos product.
326    */  
327   Vector3.prototype.cross = function(vector) {
328     var x = this.x, y = this.y, z = this.z, vx = vector.x, vy = vector.y, vz = vector.z;
329     return new Vector3(y * vz - z * vy, x * vz - z * vx, x * vy - y * vx);
330   };
332   /**
333    * Gets the array version of this Vector3.
334    * @returns {Array} An array representation of this Vector3.
335    */
336   Vector3.prototype.toArray = function() {
337     return [this.x, this.y, this.z];
338   };
340   return Vector3;
342 }());
344 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.math.Matrix4');
346 BenchGL.math.Matrix4 = (function() {
348 	// Dependencies
349 	var sin = Math.sin, 
350       cos = Math.cos, 
351       sqrt = Math.sqrt,
352       tan = Math.tan, 
353       pi = Math.PI,
354       Vec3 = BenchGL.math.Vector3,
356       // Private properties and methods
357 			Matrix4;
359   /**
360    * Creates a new Matrix4. If no argumnets are supplied returns the identity matrix.
361    * @class Represents a four by four matrix.
362    * @param {Number} [m11=1] The element at row 1 column 1.
363    * @param {Number} [m12=0] The element at row 1 column 2.
364    * @param {Number} [m13=0] The element at row 1 column 3.
365    * @param {Number} [m14=0] The element at row 1 column 4.
366    * @param {Number} [m21=0] The element at row 2 column 1.
367    * @param {Number} [m22=1] The element at row 2 column 2. 
368    * @param {Number} [m23=0] The element at row 2 column 3. 
369    * @param {Number} [m24=0] The element at row 2 column 4. 
370    * @param {Number} [m31=0] The element at row 3 column 1. 
371    * @param {Number} [m32=0] The element at row 3 column 2. 
372    * @param {Number} [m33=1] The element at row 3 column 3. 
373    * @param {Number} [m34=0] The element at row 3 column 4. 
374    * @param {Number} [m41=0] The element at row 4 column 1.
375    * @param {Number} [m42=0] The element at row 4 column 2. 
376    * @param {Number} [m43=0] The element at row 4 column 3. 
377    * @param {Number} [m44=1] The element at row 4 column 4.    
378    */
379   Matrix4 = function(m11, m12, m13, m14, 
380                      m21, m22, m23, m24, 
381                      m31, m32, m33, m34, 
382                      m41, m42, m43, m44) {
383     if (typeof m11 !== "undefined") {
384       this.set(m11, m12, m13, m14, 
385                m21, m22, m23, m24, 
386                m31, m32, m33, m34, 
387                m41, m42, m43, m44);
388     }
389     else {
390 	    this.m11 = this.m22 = this.m33 = this.m44 = 1; 
391 	    this.m12 = this.m13 = this.m14 = 0;
392 	    this.m21 = this.m23 = this.m24 = 0; 
393 	    this.m31 = this.m32 = this.m34 = 0; 
394 	    this.m41 = this.m42 = this.m43 = 0;
395     }
396   };
398   /**
399    * Sets the elements of this Matrix4.
400    * @param {Number} m11 The element at row 1 column 1.
401    * @param {Number} m12 The element at row 1 column 2.
402    * @param {Number} m13 The element at row 1 column 3.
403    * @param {Number} m14 The element at row 1 column 4.
404    * @param {Number} m21 The element at row 2 column 1.
405    * @param {Number} m22 The element at row 2 column 2. 
406    * @param {Number} m23 The element at row 2 column 3. 
407    * @param {Number} m24 The element at row 2 column 4. 
408    * @param {Number} m31 The element at row 3 column 1. 
409    * @param {Number} m32 The element at row 3 column 2. 
410    * @param {Number} m33 The element at row 3 column 3. 
411    * @param {Number} m34 The element at row 3 column 4. 
412    * @param {Number} m41 The element at row 4 column 1.
413    * @param {Number} m42 The element at row 4 column 2. 
414    * @param {Number} m43 The element at row 4 column 3. 
415    * @param {Number} m44 The element at row 4 column 4.    
416    */  
417   Matrix4.prototype.set = function(m11, m12, m13, m14, 
418                                    m21, m22, m23, m24, 
419                                    m31, m32, m33, m34, 
420                                    m41, m42, m43, m44){
421     this.m11 = m11;
422     this.m12 = m12;
423     this.m13 = m13;
424     this.m14 = m14;
425     this.m21 = m21;
426     this.m22 = m22;
427     this.m23 = m23;
428     this.m24 = m24;
429     this.m31 = m31;
430     this.m32 = m32;
431     this.m33 = m33;
432     this.m34 = m34;
433     this.m41 = m41;
434     this.m42 = m42;
435     this.m43 = m43;
436     this.m44 = m44;
437     return this;
438   };
440   /**
441    * Sets this Matrix4 to the identity matrix. Affects this Matrix4.
442    * @returns {Matrix4} This Matrix4 is now an identity matrix.
443    */
444   Matrix4.prototype.$identity = function() {
445     this.m11 = this.m22 = this.m33 = this.m44 = 1; 
446     this.m12 = this.m13 = this.m14 = 0;
447     this.m21 = this.m23 = this.m24 = 0; 
448     this.m31 = this.m32 = this.m34 = 0; 
449     this.m41 = this.m42 = this.m43 = 0;
450 	  return this;    
451   };
453   /**
454    * Copies this Matrix4 in another one.
455    * @returns {Matrix4} A copy of this Matrix4.
456    */
457   Matrix4.prototype.copy = function() {
458     var m11 = this.m11, m12 = this.m12, m13 = this.m13, m14 = this.m14, 
459         m21 = this.m21, m22 = this.m22, m23 = this.m23, m24 = this.m24, 
460         m31 = this.m31, m32 = this.m32, m33 = this.m33, m34 = this.m34, 
461         m41 = this.m41, m42 = this.m42, m43 = this.m43, m44 = this.m44;
463     return new Matrix4(m11, m12, m13, m14, 
464                        m21, m22, m23, m24, 
465                        m31, m32, m33, m34, 
466                        m41, m42, m43, m44);
467   };
469   /**
470    * Adds this Matrix4 to another one. Does not affect this Matrix4.
471    * @param {Matrix4} m The Matrix4 to add.
472    * @returns {Matrix4} A new matrix containing the addition.
473    */
474   Matrix4.prototype.add = function(m) {
475     var r = new Matrix4();
477     r.m11 = this.m11 + m.m11;
478     r.m12 = this.m12 + m.m12;
479     r.m13 = this.m13 + m.m13;
480     r.m14 = this.m14 + m.m14;
481     r.m21 = this.m21 + m.m21;
482     r.m22 = this.m22 + m.m22;
483     r.m23 = this.m23 + m.m23;
484     r.m24 = this.m24 + m.m24;
485     r.m31 = this.m31 + m.m31;
486     r.m32 = this.m32 + m.m32;
487     r.m33 = this.m33 + m.m33;
488     r.m34 = this.m34 + m.m34;
489     r.m41 = this.m41 + m.m41;
490     r.m42 = this.m42 + m.m42;
491     r.m43 = this.m43 + m.m43;
492     r.m44 = this.m44 + m.m44;
494     return r;
495   };
497   /**
498    * Adds this Matrix4 to another one. Affects this Matrix4.
499    * @param {Matrix4} m The Matrix4 to add.
500    * @returns {Matrix4} This Matrix4 now contains the addition.
501    */  
502   Matrix4.prototype.$add = function(m){
503     this.m11 += m.m11;
504     this.m12 += m.m12;
505     this.m13 += m.m13;
506     this.m14 += m.m14;
507     this.m21 += m.m21;
508     this.m22 += m.m22;
509     this.m23 += m.m23;
510     this.m24 += m.m24;
511     this.m31 += m.m31;
512     this.m32 += m.m32;
513     this.m33 += m.m33;
514     this.m34 += m.m34;
515     this.m41 += m.m41;
516     this.m42 += m.m42;
517     this.m43 += m.m43;
518     this.m44 += m.m44;
519     return this;
520   };
522   /**
523    * Subtracts this Matrix4 to another one. Does not affect this Matrix4.
524    * @param {Matrix4} m The Matrix4 to add.
525    * @returns {Matrix4} A new matrix containing the subtraction.
526    */  
527   Matrix4.prototype.sub = function(m){
528     var r = new Matrix4();
530     r.m11 = this.m11 - m.m11;
531     r.m12 = this.m12 - m.m12;
532     r.m13 = this.m13 - m.m13;
533     r.m14 = this.m14 - m.m14;
534     r.m21 = this.m21 - m.m21;
535     r.m22 = this.m22 - m.m22;
536     r.m23 = this.m23 - m.m23;
537     r.m24 = this.m24 - m.m24;
538     r.m31 = this.m31 - m.m31;
539     r.m32 = this.m32 - m.m32;
540     r.m33 = this.m33 - m.m33;
541     r.m34 = this.m34 - m.m34;
542     r.m41 = this.m41 - m.m41;
543     r.m42 = this.m42 - m.m42;
544     r.m43 = this.m43 - m.m43;
545     r.m44 = this.m44 - m.m44;
547     return r;
548   };
550   /**
551    * Subtracts this Matrix4 to another one. Affects this Matrix4.
552    * @param {Matrix4} m The Matrix4 to add.
553    * @returns {Matrix4} This Matrix4 now contains the subtraction.
554    */   
555   Matrix4.prototype.$sub = function(m){
556     this.m11 -= m.m11;
557     this.m12 -= m.m12;
558     this.m13 -= m.m13;
559     this.m14 -= m.m14;
560     this.m21 -= m.m21;
561     this.m22 -= m.m22;
562     this.m23 -= m.m23;
563     this.m24 -= m.m24;
564     this.m31 -= m.m31;
565     this.m32 -= m.m32;
566     this.m33 -= m.m33;
567     this.m34 -= m.m34;
568     this.m41 -= m.m41;
569     this.m42 -= m.m42;
570     this.m43 -= m.m43;
571     this.m44 -= m.m44;
572     return this;
573   };
575 	/**
576 	 * Multiplies a Vector3 by this Matrix4. (r = M*v)
577 	 * @returns {Vector3} A new vector with the result of the multiplication.
578 	 */
579   Matrix4.prototype.multiplyVec3 = function(vector) {
580     var vx = vector.x, 
581     		vy = vector.y, 
582     		vz = vector.z;
584     return new Vec3(this.m11 * vx + this.m12 * vy + this.m13 * vz + this.m14, 
585     									 this.m21 * vx + this.m22 * vy + this.m23 * vz + this.m24, 
586     									 this.m31 * vx + this.m32 * vy + this.m33 * vz + this.m34);
587   };
589 	/**
590 	 * Multiplies this Matrix4 by another one. Does not affect this Matrix4.
591 	 * @returns {Matrix4} A new matrix with the result of the multiplication.
592 	 */  
593   Matrix4.prototype.multiplyMat4 = function(m) {
594     var a11 = this.m11, a12 = this.m12, a13 = this.m13, a14 = this.m14, 
595         a21 = this.m21, a22 = this.m22, a23 = this.m23, a24 = this.m24, 
596         a31 = this.m31, a32 = this.m32, a33 = this.m33, a34 = this.m34, 
597         a41 = this.m41, a42 = this.m42, a43 = this.m43, a44 = this.m44, 
598         b11 = m.m11, b12 = m.m12, b13 = m.m13, b14 = m.m14, 
599         b21 = m.m21, b22 = m.m22, b23 = m.m23, b24 = m.m24, 
600         b31 = m.m31, b32 = m.m32, b33 = m.m33, b34 = m.m34, 
601         b41 = m.m41, b42 = m.m42, b43 = m.m43, b44 = m.m44, 
602         m11, m12, m13, m14, 
603         m21, m22, m23, m24, 
604         m31, m32, m33, m34, 
605         m41, m42, m43, m44;
607     m11 = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 + a13 * b31 + a14 * b41;
608     m12 = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 + a13 * b32 + a14 * b42;
609     m13 = a11 * b13 + a12 * b23 + a13 * b33 + a14 * b43;
610     m14 = a11 * b14 + a12 * b24 + a13 * b34 + a14 * b44;
612     m21 = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 + a23 * b31 + a24 * b41;
613     m22 = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 + a23 * b32 + a24 * b42;
614     m23 = a21 * b13 + a22 * b23 + a23 * b33 + a24 * b43;
615     m24 = a21 * b14 + a22 * b24 + a23 * b34 + a24 * b44;
617     m31 = a31 * b11 + a32 * b21 + a33 * b31 + a34 * b41;
618     m32 = a31 * b12 + a32 * b22 + a33 * b32 + a34 * b42;
619     m33 = a31 * b13 + a32 * b23 + a33 * b33 + a34 * b43;
620     m34 = a31 * b14 + a32 * b24 + a33 * b34 + a34 * b44;
622     m41 = a41 * b11 + a42 * b21 + a43 * b31 + a44 * b41;
623     m42 = a41 * b12 + a42 * b22 + a43 * b32 + a44 * b42;
624     m43 = a41 * b13 + a42 * b23 + a43 * b33 + a44 * b43;
625     m44 = a41 * b14 + a42 * b24 + a43 * b34 + a44 * b44;
627     return new Matrix4(m11, m12, m13, m14, 
628                        m21, m22, m23, m24, 
629                        m31, m32, m33, m34, 
630                        m41, m42, m43, m44);
631   };
633 	/**
634 	 * Multiplies this Matrix4 by another one. Affects this Matrix4.
635 	 * @returns {Matrix4} This Matrix4 now stores the result of the multiplication.
636 	 */   
637   Matrix4.prototype.$multiplyMat4 = function(m){
638     var a11 = this.m11, a12 = this.m12, a13 = this.m13, a14 = this.m14, 
639         a21 = this.m21, a22 = this.m22, a23 = this.m23, a24 = this.m24, 
640         a31 = this.m31, a32 = this.m32, a33 = this.m33, a34 = this.m34, 
641         a41 = this.m41, a42 = this.m42, a43 = this.m43, a44 = this.m44, 
642         b11 = m.m11, b12 = m.m12, b13 = m.m13, b14 = m.m14, 
643         b21 = m.m21, b22 = m.m22, b23 = m.m23, b24 = m.m24, 
644         b31 = m.m31, b32 = m.m32, b33 = m.m33, b34 = m.m34, 
645         b41 = m.m41, b42 = m.m42, b43 = m.m43, b44 = m.m44, 
646         m11, m12, m13, m14, 
647         m21, m22, m23, m24, 
648         m31, m32, m33, m34, 
649         m41, m42, m43, m44;
651     m11 = a11 * b11 + a12 * b21 + a13 * b31 + a14 * b41;
652     m12 = a11 * b12 + a12 * b22 + a13 * b32 + a14 * b42;
653     m13 = a11 * b13 + a12 * b23 + a13 * b33 + a14 * b43;
654     m14 = a11 * b14 + a12 * b24 + a13 * b34 + a14 * b44;
656     m21 = a21 * b11 + a22 * b21 + a23 * b31 + a24 * b41;
657     m22 = a21 * b12 + a22 * b22 + a23 * b32 + a24 * b42;
658     m23 = a21 * b13 + a22 * b23 + a23 * b33 + a24 * b43;
659     m24 = a21 * b14 + a22 * b24 + a23 * b34 + a24 * b44;
661     m31 = a31 * b11 + a32 * b21 + a33 * b31 + a34 * b41;
662     m32 = a31 * b12 + a32 * b22 + a33 * b32 + a34 * b42;
663     m33 = a31 * b13 + a32 * b23 + a33 * b33 + a34 * b43;
664     m34 = a31 * b14 + a32 * b24 + a33 * b34 + a34 * b44;
666     m41 = a41 * b11 + a42 * b21 + a43 * b31 + a44 * b41;
667     m42 = a41 * b12 + a42 * b22 + a43 * b32 + a44 * b42;
668     m43 = a41 * b13 + a42 * b23 + a43 * b33 + a44 * b43;
669     m44 = a41 * b14 + a42 * b24 + a43 * b34 + a44 * b44;
671     this.set(m11, m12, m13, m14, 
672              m21, m22, m23, m24, 
673              m31, m32, m33, m34, 
674              m41, m42, m43, m44);
676     return this;
677   };
679   /**
680    * Transpose this Matrix4. Does not affect this Matrix4.
681    * @returns {Matrix4} A new matrix representing the transpose of this Matrix4.
682    */
683   Matrix4.prototype.transpose = function(){
684     var m11 = this.m11, m12 = this.m12, m13 = this.m13, m14 = this.m14, 
685         m21 = this.m21, m22 = this.m22, m23 = this.m23, m24 = this.m24, 
686         m31 = this.m31, m32 = this.m32, m33 = this.m33, m34 = this.m34, 
687         m41 = this.m41, m42 = this.m42, m43 = this.m43, m44 = this.m44;
689     return new Matrix4(m11, m21, m31, m41, 
690                        m12, m22, m32, m42, 
691                        m13, m23, m33, m43, 
692                        m14, m24, m34, m44);
693   };
695   /**
696    * Transpose this Matrix4. Affects this Matrix4.
697    * @returns {Matrix4} This Matrix4 is now transposed.
698    */  
699   Matrix4.prototype.$transpose = function(){
700     var m11 = this.m11, m12 = this.m12, m13 = this.m13, m14 = this.m14, 
701         m21 = this.m21, m22 = this.m22, m23 = this.m23, m24 = this.m24, 
702         m31 = this.m31, m32 = this.m32, m33 = this.m33, m34 = this.m34, 
703         m41 = this.m41, m42 = this.m42, m43 = this.m43, m44 = this.m44;
705     this.set(m11, m21, m31, m41, 
706              m12, m22, m32, m42, 
707              m13, m23, m33, m43, 
708              m14, m24, m34, m44);
710     return this;
711   };
713   /**
714    * Inverts this Matrix4. Does not affect this Matrix4.
715    * @returns {Matrix4} A new matrix representing the inverted of this MAtrix4.
716    */  
717   Matrix4.prototype.invert = function() {
718     var m11 = this.m11, m12 = this.m12, m13 = this.m13, m14 = this.m14, 
719         m21 = this.m21, m22 = this.m22, m23 = this.m23, m24 = this.m24, 
720         m31 = this.m31, m32 = this.m32, m33 = this.m33, m34 = this.m34, 
721         m41 = this.m41, m42 = this.m42, m43 = this.m43, m44 = this.m44,
723         s0 = m11 * m22 - m12 * m21, 
724         s1 = m11 * m23 - m13 * m21, 
725         s2 = m11 * m24 - m14 * m21, 
726         s3 = m12 * m23 - m13 * m22, 
727         s4 = m12 * m24 - m14 * m22, 
728         s5 = m13 * m24 - m14 * m23, 
729         c0 = m31 * m42 - m32 * m41, 
730         c1 = m31 * m43 - m33 * m41, 
731         c2 = m31 * m44 - m34 * m41, 
732         c3 = m32 * m43 - m33 * m42, 
733         c4 = m32 * m44 - m34 * m42, 
734         c5 = m33 * m44 - m34 * m43,
736         det = s0 * c5 - s1 * c4 + s2 * c3 + s3 * c2 - s4 * c1 + s5 * c0,
738         a11 = m22 * c5 - m23 * c4 + m24 * c3, 
739         a12 = -m12 * c5 + m13 * c4 - m14 * c3, 
740         a13 = m42 * s5 - m43 * s4 + m44 * s3, 
741         a14 = -m32 * s5 + m33 * s4 - m34 * s3, 
742         a21 = -m21 * c5 + m23 * c2 - m24 * c1, 
743         a22 = m11 * c5 - m13 * c2 + m14 * c1, 
744         a23 = -m41 * s5 + m43 * s2 - m44 * s1, 
745         a24 = m31 * s5 - m33 * s2 + m34 * s1, 
746         a31 = m21 * c4 - m22 * c2 + m24 * c0, 
747         a32 = -m11 * c4 + m12 * c2 - m14 * c0, 
748         a33 = m41 * s4 - m42 * s2 + m44 * s0, 
749         a34 = -m31 * s4 + m32 * s2 - m34 * s0, 
750         a41 = -m21 * c3 + m22 * c1 - m23 * c0, 
751         a42 = m11 * c3 - m12 * c1 + m13 * c0, 
752         a43 = -m41 * s3 + m42 * s1 - m43 * s0, 
753         a44 = m31 * s3 - m32 * s1 + m33 * s0;
755     return new Matrix4(a11 / det, a12 / det, a13 / det, a14 / det, 
756                        a21 / det, a22 / det, a23 / det, a24 / det, 
757                        a31 / det, a32 / det, a33 / det, a34 / det, 
758                        a41 / det, a42 / det, a43 / det, a44 / det);
759   };
761   /**
762    * Inverts this Matrix4. Affects this Matrix4.
763    * @returns {Matrix4} This Matrix4 is now inverted.
764    */    
765   Matrix4.prototype.$invert = function() {
766     var m11 = this.m11, m12 = this.m12, m13 = this.m13, m14 = this.m14, 
767         m21 = this.m21, m22 = this.m22, m23 = this.m23, m24 = this.m24, 
768         m31 = this.m31, m32 = this.m32, m33 = this.m33, m34 = this.m34, 
769         m41 = this.m41, m42 = this.m42, m43 = this.m43, m44 = this.m44,
771         s0 = m11 * m22 - m12 * m21, 
772         s1 = m11 * m23 - m13 * m21, 
773         s2 = m11 * m24 - m14 * m21, 
774         s3 = m12 * m23 - m13 * m22, 
775         s4 = m12 * m24 - m14 * m22, 
776         s5 = m13 * m24 - m14 * m23, 
777         c0 = m31 * m42 - m32 * m41, 
778         c1 = m31 * m43 - m33 * m41, 
779         c2 = m31 * m44 - m34 * m41, 
780         c3 = m32 * m43 - m33 * m42, 
781         c4 = m32 * m44 - m34 * m42, 
782         c5 = m33 * m44 - m34 * m43,
784         det = s0 * c5 - s1 * c4 + s2 * c3 + s3 * c2 - s4 * c1 + s5 * c0,
786         a11 = m22 * c5 - m23 * c4 + m24 * c3, 
787         a12 = -m12 * c5 + m13 * c4 - m14 * c3, 
788         a13 = m42 * s5 - m43 * s4 + m44 * s3, 
789         a14 = -m32 * s5 + m33 * s4 - m34 * s3, 
790         a21 = -m21 * c5 + m23 * c2 - m24 * c1, 
791         a22 = m11 * c5 - m13 * c2 + m14 * c1, 
792         a23 = -m41 * s5 + m43 * s2 - m44 * s1, 
793         a24 = m31 * s5 - m33 * s2 + m34 * s1, 
794         a31 = m21 * c4 - m22 * c2 + m24 * c0, 
795         a32 = -m11 * c4 + m12 * c2 - m14 * c0, 
796         a33 = m41 * s4 - m42 * s2 + m44 * s0, 
797         a34 = -m31 * s4 + m32 * s2 - m34 * s0, 
798         a41 = -m21 * c3 + m22 * c1 - m23 * c0, 
799         a42 = m11 * c3 - m12 * c1 + m13 * c0, 
800         a43 = -m41 * s3 + m42 * s1 - m43 * s0, 
801         a44 = m31 * s3 - m32 * s1 + m33 * s0;
803     this.set(a11 / det, a12 / det, a13 / det, a14 / det, 
804              a21 / det, a22 / det, a23 / det, a24 / det, 
805              a31 / det, a32 / det, a33 / det, a34 / det, 
806              a41 / det, a42 / det, a43 / det, a44 / det);
808     return this;
809   };
811   /**
812    * Gets a Float32Array representation of this Matrix4.
813    * @returns {Float32Array} A new Float32Array containing the elements of this Matrix.
814    */
815   Matrix4.prototype.toFloat32Array = function() {
816     return new Float32Array([this.m11, this.m21, this.m31, this.m41, 
817                              this.m12, this.m22, this.m32, this.m42, 
818                              this.m13, this.m23, this.m33, this.m43, 
819                              this.m14, this.m24, this.m34, this.m44]);
820   };
822   /**
823    * Creates the identity matrix.
824    * @returns {Matrix4} The identity matrix.
825    */
826   Matrix4.Identity = function() {
827   	return new Matrix4();
828   };
830   /**
831    * Creates a translation matrix.
832    * @param {Number} x The translation on x coordinate.
833    * @param {Number} y The translation on y coordinate.
834    * @param {Number} z The translation on z coordinate.      
835    * @returns {Matrix4} A translation matrix.
836    */
837   Matrix4.Translate = function(x, y, z){
838     return new Matrix4(1, 0, 0, x, 
839                        0, 1, 0, y, 
840                        0, 0, 1, z, 
841                        0, 0, 0, 1);
842   };
844   /**
845    * Creates a scale matrix.
846    * @param {Number} x The scale on x coordinate.
847    * @param {Number} y The scale on y coordinate.
848    * @param {Number} z The scale on z coordinate.      
849    * @returns {Matrix4} A scale matrix.
850    */  
851   Matrix4.Scale = function(x, y, z){
852     return new Matrix4(x, 0, 0, 0, 
853                        0, y, 0, 0, 
854                        0, 0, z, 0, 
855                        0, 0, 0, 1);
856   };
858   /**
859    * Creates a general rotation matrix around an axis.
860    * @param {Number} angle The rotation angle in radians.
861    * @param {Number} x The axis x coordinate.
862    * @param {Number} y The axis y coordinate.
863    * @param {Number} z The axis z coordinate.      
864    * @returns {Matrix4} A general rotation matrix.
865    */   
866   Matrix4.Rotate = function(angle, x, y, z) {
867     var axis = new Vec3(x, y, z).$unit(), 
868         ax = axis.x, ay = axis.y, az = axis.z, 
869         s = sin(angle), c = cos(angle), t = 1 - c;
870     return new Matrix4(t * ax * ax + c, t * ax * ay - az * s, t * ax * az + ay * s, 0, 
871                        t * ax * ay + az * s, t * ay * ay + c, t * ay * az - ax * s, 0, 
872                        t * ax * az - ay * s, t * ay * az + ax * s, t * az * az + c, 0, 
873                        0, 0, 0, 1);
874   };
876   /**
877    * Creates a rotation matrix around an x, y and z axis.
878    * @param {Number} rx The rotation angle around x axis.
879    * @param {Number} ry The rotation angle around y axis.
880    * @param {Number} rz The rotation angle around z axis.    
881    * @returns {Matrix4} A XYZ rotation matrix.
882    */  
883   Matrix4.RotateXYZ = function(rx, ry, rz) {
884     var sx = sin(rx), cx = cos(rx), 
885         sy = sin(ry), cy = cos(ry), 
886         sz = sin(rz), cz = cos(rz);
888     return new Matrix4(cy * cz, -cx * sz + sx * sy * cz, sx * sz + cx * sy * cz, 0,
889                        cy * sz, cx * cz + sx * sy * sz, -sx * cz + cx * sy * sz, 0, 
890                        -sy, sx * cy, cx * cy, 0, 
891                        0, 0, 0, 1);
892   };
894   /**
895    * Creates a lookAt matrix.
896    * @param {Vector3} eye The eye vector.
897    * @param {Vector3} direction The direction vector.
898    * @param {Vector3} up The up vector.    
899    * @returns {Matrix4} A lookAt Matrix4.
900    */   
901   Matrix4.LookAt = function(eye, direction, up) {
902     var x, y, z;
904     z = eye.sub(direction);
905     z.$unit();
906     x = up.cross(z);
907     x.$unit();
908     y = z.cross(x);
909     y.$unit();
911     return new Matrix4(x.x, x.y, x.z, -x.dot(eye), 
912                        y.x, y.y, y.z, -y.dot(eye), 
913                        z.x, z.y, z.z, -z.dot(eye), 
914                        0, 0, 0, 1);
915   };
917   /**
918    * Creates a frustum matrix.
919    * @param {Number} left The left clipping plane.
920    * @param {Number} right The right clipping plane.
921    * @param {Number} bottom The bottom clipping plane.
922    * @param {Number} top The top clipping plane.
923    * @param {Number} near The near clipping plane.
924    * @param {Number} far The far clipping plane.  
925    * @returns {Matrix4} A frustum matrix.
926    */  
927   Matrix4.Frustum = function(left, right, bottom, top, near, far) {
928     var x = 2.0 * near / (right - left), 
929         y = 2.0 * near / (top - bottom),
930         a = (right + left) / (right - left),
931         b = (top + bottom) / (top - bottom),
932         c = -(far + near) / (far - near),
933         d = -2.0 * far * near / (far - near);
935     return new Matrix4(x, 0,  a, 0, 
936                        0, y,  b, 0, 
937                        0, 0,  c, d, 
938                        0, 0, -1, 0);
939   };
941   /**
942    * Creates a perspective matrix.
943    * @param {Number} fovy The vertical field of view angle.
944    * @param {Number} aspect The aspect ratio aka the horizontal field of view angle.
945    * @param {Number} near The near clipping plane.
946    * @param {Number} far The far clipping plane.  
947    * @returns {Matrix4} A perspective matrix.
948    */    
949   Matrix4.Perspective = function(fovy, aspect, near, far) {
950     var ymax = near * tan(fovy * pi / 360.0),
951         ymin = -ymax,
952         xmin = ymin * aspect,
953         xmax = ymax * aspect;
955     return Matrix4.Frustum(xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, near, far);
956   };
958 	return Matrix4;
960 }());
962 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.math.Quaternion');
964 BenchGL.math.Quaternion = (function() {
966   // Dependencies
967   var sin = Math.sin,
968   		cos = Math.cos,
969   		Mat4 = BenchGL.math.Matrix4,
971   		// Private properties and methods
972   		Quaternion;
973   /**
974    * Creates a new Quaternion.
975    * @class	Represents a quaternion.
976    * @param {Number} a The scalar part.
977    * @param {Number} b The i component of the vector part.
978    * @param {Number} c The j component of the vector part.
979    * @param {Number} d The k component of the vector part.
980    */
981   Quaternion = function(a, b, c, d) {
982     if (typeof a !== "undefined") {
983       this.a = a;
984       this.b = b;
985       this.c = c;
986       this.d = d;
987     }
988     else {
989       this.a = 1;
990       this.b = 0;
991       this.c = 0;
992       this.d = 0;
993     }
994   };
996   /**
997    * Sets this Quaternion as the identity quaternion.
998    * @returns {Quaternion} This Quaternion is now the identity quaternion.
999    */
1000   Quaternion.prototype.identity = function() {
1001     this.a = 1;
1002     this.b = 0;
1003     this.c = 0;
1004     this.d = 0;
1005     return this;
1006   };
1008   /**
1009    * Multiplies this Quaternion with another one. Does not affect this Quaternion.
1010    * @param {Quaternion} quat The Quaternion to multiply with.
1011    * @returns {Quaternion} A new quaternion containing the multiplication's result.
1012    */
1013   Quaternion.prototype.multiply = function(quat) {
1014     var a1 = this.m, 
1015         b1 = this.b, 
1016         c1 = this.c, 
1017         d1 = this.d, 
1018         a2 = quat.a, 
1019         b2 = quat.b, 
1020         c2 = quat.c, 
1021         d2 = quat.d, 
1023         a = a1 * a2 - b1 * b2 - c1 * c2 - d1 * d2,
1024         b = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2 + c1 * d2 - d1 * c2,
1025         c = a1 * c2 - b1 * d2 + c1 * a2 + d1 * b2,
1026         d = a1 * d2 + b1 * c2 - c1 * b2 + d1 * a2;
1028     return new Quaternion(a, b, c, d);
1029   };
1031   /**
1032    * Multiplies this Quaternion with another one. Affects this Quaternion.
1033    * @param {Quaternion} quat The Quaternion to multiply with.
1034    * @returns {Quaternion} This Quaternion now stores the result of the multiplication.
1035    */  
1036   Quaternion.prototype.$multiply = function(quat) {
1037     var a1 = this.m, 
1038         b1 = this.b, 
1039         c1 = this.c, 
1040         d1 = this.d, 
1041         a2 = quat.a, 
1042         b2 = quat.b, 
1043         c2 = quat.c, 
1044         d2 = quat.d, 
1046         a = a1 * a2 - b1 * b2 - c1 * c2 - d1 * d2,
1047         b = a1 * b2 + b1 * a2 + c1 * d2 - d1 * c2,
1048         c = a1 * c2 - b1 * d2 + c1 * a2 + d1 * b2,
1049         d = a1 * d2 + b1 * c2 - c1 * b2 + d1 * a2;
1051     this.m = a;
1052     this.b = b;
1053     this.c = c;
1054     this.d = d;
1056     return this;
1057   };
1059   /**
1060    * Gets a Matrix4 representing this Quaternion.
1061    * @returns {Matrix4} A matrix representing this Quaternion.
1062    */
1063   Quaternion.prototype.toMatrix4 = function() {
1064     var a = this.m, b = this.b, c = this.c, d = this.d, 
1065         b2 = b * b, c2 = c * c, d2 = d * d, 
1066         bc = b * c, bd = b * d, cd = c * d, ab = a * b, ac = a * c, ad = a * d;
1068     return new Mat4(1 - 2 * c2 - 2 * d2, 2 * bc - 2 * ad, 2 * ac + 2 * bd, 0, 
1069                        2 * bc + 2 * ad, 1 - 2 * b2 - 2 * d2, 2 * cd - 2 * ab, 0, 
1070                        2 * bd - 2 * ac, 2 * ab + 2 * cd, 1 - 2 * b2 - 2 * c2, 0, 
1071                        0, 0, 0, 1);
1072   };
1074   /**
1075    * Creates a new quaternion from euler angles.
1076    * @returns {Quaternion} A new quaternion from the euler angles.
1077    */
1078   Quaternion.FromEulerAngles = function(pitch, roll, yaw) {
1079     var p = pitch * 0.5, y = yaw * 0.5, r = roll * 0.5, 
1080         cp = cos(p), sp = sin(p), 
1081         cy = cos(y), sy = sin(y), 
1082         cr = cos(r), sr = sin(r),
1084         a = cp * cy * cr + sp * sy * sr,
1085         b = sp * cy * cr - cp * sy * sr,
1086         c = cp * sy * cr + sp * cy * sr,
1087         d = cp * cy * sr - sp * sy * cr;
1089     return new Quaternion(a, b, c, d);
1090   };
1092   return Quaternion;
1094 }());
1096 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.math.MatrixStack');
1098 BenchGL.math.MatrixStack = (function() {
1100 	// Dependencies
1101 	var Mat4 = BenchGL.math.Matrix4,
1102 			pi = Math.PI,
1104 			// Private properties and methods
1105       MatrixStack;
1107 	/**
1108 	 * Creates a new MatrixStack.
1109 	 * @class Representa a stack for 4x4 matrices.
1110 	 */
1111 	MatrixStack = function() {
1112 		this.stack = [];
1113 		this.current = 0;
1114 		this.stack.push(Mat4.Identity());
1115 	};
1117 	/**
1118 	 * Gets the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1119 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The matrix on top of the stack.
1120 	 */
1121 	MatrixStack.prototype.top = function() {
1122 		return this.stack[this.current];
1123 	};
1125 	/**
1126 	 * Pushes a copy of the top matrix on this MatrixStack.
1127 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1128 	 */
1129 	MatrixStack.prototype.push = function() {
1130 		this.stack.push(this.stack[this.current].copy());
1131 		this.current++;
1132 		return this;
1133 	};
1135 	/**
1136 	 * Pops the top matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1137 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1138 	 */	
1139 	MatrixStack.prototype.pop = function() {
1140 		if (this.current > 0) {
1141 			this.stack.pop();
1142 			this.current--;
1143 		}
1144 		return this;
1145 	};
1147 	/**
1148 	 * Loads a matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1149 	 * @param {Matrix4} The matrix to load. 
1150 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1151 	 */		
1152 	MatrixStack.prototype.load = function(matrix) {
1153 		this.stack[this.current] = matrix;
1154 		return this;
1155 	};
1157 	/**
1158 	 * Loads the identity matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1159 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1160 	 */		
1161 	MatrixStack.prototype.loadIdentity = function() {
1162 		this.stack[this.current] = Mat4.Identity();
1163 		return this;
1164 	};
1166 	/**
1167 	 * Multiplies a matrix with the one on top of this MatrixStack.
1168 	 * @param {Matrix4} The matrix to multiply with. 
1169 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1170 	 */		
1171 	MatrixStack.prototype.multiply = function(matrix) {
1172 		this.stack[this.current].$multiplyMat4(matrix);
1173 		return this;
1174 	};
1176 	/**
1177 	 * Apply a rotation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1178 	 * @param {Number} angle The rotation angle.
1179    * @param {Number} x The rotation axis x coordinate.
1180    * @param {Number} y The rotation axis y coordinate.
1181    * @param {Number} z The rotation axis z coordinate.  
1182 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1183 	 */	
1184 	MatrixStack.prototype.rotate = function(angle, x, y, z) {
1185 		this.multiply(Mat4.Rotate(angle * pi / 180, x, y, z));
1186 		return this;
1187 	};
1189 	/**
1190 	 * Apply a rotation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1191 	 * @param {Number} rx The rotation angle around X axis. 
1192 	 * @param {Number} ry The rotation angle around Y axis.
1193 	 * @param {Number} rz The rotation angle around Z axis. 
1194 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1195 	 */		
1196 	MatrixStack.prototype.rotateXYZ = function(rx, ry, rz) {
1197 		var conversion = pi / 180;
1198 		this.multiply(Mat4.RotateXYZ(rx * conversion, ry * conversion, rz * conversion));
1199 		return this;
1200 	};
1202 	/**
1203 	 * Apply a scale transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1204 	 * @param {Number} x The x scale factor. 
1205 	 * @param {Number} y The y scale factor.
1206 	 * @param {Number} z The z scale factor. 
1207 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1208 	 */	
1209 	MatrixStack.prototype.scale = function(x, y, z) {
1210 		this.multiply(Mat4.Scale(x, y, z));
1211 		return this;
1212 	};
1214 	/**
1215 	 * Apply a translation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1216 	 * @param {Number} x The x translation factor. 
1217 	 * @param {Number} y The y translation factor.
1218 	 * @param {Number} z The z translation factor. 
1219 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1220 	 */		
1221 	MatrixStack.prototype.translate = function(x, y, z) {
1222 		this.multiply(Mat4.Translate(x, y, z));
1223 		return this;
1224 	};
1226 	/**
1227 	 * Apply a lookAt transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1228 	 * @param {Vector3} eye The eye vector. 
1229 	 * @param {Vector3} direction The direction vector. 
1230 	 * @param {Vector3} up The up vector.  
1231 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1232 	 */
1233 	MatrixStack.prototype.lookAt = function(eye, direction, up) {
1234 		this.multiply(Mat4.LookAt(eye, direction, up));
1235 		return this;
1236 	};
1238   /**
1239    * Apply a perspective transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1240    * @param {Number} fovy The vertical field of view angle.
1241    * @param {Number} aspect The aspect ratio aka the horizontal field of view angle.
1242    * @param {Number} near The near clipping plane.
1243    * @param {Number} far The far clipping plane.  
1244    * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1245    */  			
1246 	MatrixStack.prototype.perspective = function(fovy, aspect, near, far) {
1247 		this.multiply(Mat4.Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far));
1248 		return this;
1249 	};
1251   /**
1252    * Apply a frustum transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
1253    * @param {Number} left The left clipping plane.
1254    * @param {Number} right The right clipping plane.
1255    * @param {Number} bottom The bottom clipping plane.
1256    * @param {Number} top The top clipping plane.
1257    * @param {Number} near The near clipping plane.
1258    * @param {Number} far The far clipping plane.  
1259    * @returns {MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.
1260    */  	
1261 	MatrixStack.prototype.frustum = function(left, rigth, bottom, top, near, far) {
1262 		this.multiply(Mat4.Frustum(left, rigth, bottom, top, near, far));
1263 		return this;
1264 	};
1266 	return MatrixStack;
1268 }());
1270 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.math.TransformStack');
1272 BenchGL.math.TransformStack = (function() {
1274 	// Private properties and methods
1275 	var TransformStack;
1277 	/**
1278 	 * Creates a new TransformStack.
1279 	 * @class Represents a full stack for model, view and projection matrices (OpenGL-like).
1280 	 */
1281 	TransformStack = function() {
1282 		this.modelStack = new MatrixStack();
1283 		this.viewStack = new MatrixStack();
1284 		this.projStack = new MatrixStack();
1285 		this.currentStack = null;
1286 	};
1288 	/**
1289 	 * Gets the current model matrix.
1290 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current model matrix.
1291 	 */
1292 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelMatrix = function() {
1293 		return this.modelStack.top();
1294 	};
1296 	/**
1297 	 * Gets the transposed version of the current model matrix.
1298 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current model matrix transposed.
1299 	 */	
1300 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelMatrixTranspose = function() {
1301 		return this.modelStack.top().transpose();
1302 	};
1304 	/**
1305 	 * Gets the inverse of the current model matrix.
1306 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current model matrix inverted.
1307 	 */		
1308 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelMatrixInverse = function() {
1309 		return this.modelStack.top().invert();
1310 	};
1312 	/**
1313 	 * Gets the inverse of the transposed of the current model matrix.
1314 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current model matrix inverted transposed.
1315 	 */	
1316 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelMatrixInverseTranspose = function() {
1317 		return this.modelStack.top().invert().$transpose();
1318 	};
1320 	/**
1321 	 * Gets the current view matrix.
1322 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current view matrix.
1323 	 */	
1324 	TransformStack.prototype.getViewMatrix = function() {
1325 		return this.viewStack.top();
1326 	};
1328 	/**
1329 	 * Gets the transposed version of the current view matrix.
1330 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current view matrix transposed.
1331 	 */		
1332 	TransformStack.prototype.getViewMatrixTranspose = function() {
1333 		return this.viewStack.top().transpose();
1334 	};
1336 	/**
1337 	 * Gets the inverse of the current view matrix.
1338 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current view matrix inverted.
1339 	 */	
1340 	TransformStack.prototype.getViewMatrixInverse = function() {
1341 		return this.viewStack.top().invert();
1342 	};
1344 	/**
1345 	 * Gets the inverse of the transposed of the current view matrix.
1346 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current view matrix inverted transposed.
1347 	 */	
1348 	TransformStack.prototype.getViewMatrixInverseTranspose = function() {
1349 		return this.viewStack.top().invert().$transpose();
1350 	};
1352 	/**
1353 	 * Gets the current projection matrix.
1354 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current projection matrix.
1355 	 */		
1356 	TransformStack.prototype.getProjectionMatrix = function() {
1357 		return this.projStack.top();
1358 	};
1360 	/**
1361 	 * Gets the transposed version of the current projection matrix.
1362 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current projection matrix transposed.
1363 	 */		
1364 	TransformStack.prototype.getProjectionMatrixTranspose = function() {
1365 		return this.projStack.top().transpose();
1366 	};
1368 	/**
1369 	 * Gets the inverse of the current projection matrix.
1370 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current projection matrix inverted.
1371 	 */		
1372 	TransformStack.prototype.getProjectionMatrixInverse = function() {
1373 		return this.projStack.top().invert();
1374 	};
1376 	/**
1377 	 * Gets the inverse of the transposed of the current projection matrix.
1378 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current projection matrix inverted transposed.
1379 	 */		
1380 	TransformStack.prototype.getProjectionMatrixInverseTranspose = function() {
1381 		return this.projStack.top().inverse().$transpose();
1382 	};
1384 	/**
1385 	 * Gets the current modelView matrix.
1386 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current projection matrix.
1387 	 */		
1388 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelViewMatrix = function() {
1389 		return this.viewStack.top().multiplyMat4(this.modelStack.top());
1390 	};
1392 	/**
1393 	 * Gets the transposed version of the current modelView matrix.
1394 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current modelView matrix transposed.
1395 	 */	
1396 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelViewMatrixTranspose = function() {
1397 		return this.getModelViewMatrix().transpose();
1398 	};
1400 	/**
1401 	 * Gets the inverse of the current modelView matrix.
1402 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current modelView matrix inverted.
1403 	 */			
1404 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelViewMatrixInverse = function() {
1405 		return this.getModelViewMatrix().invert();
1406 	};
1408 	/**
1409 	 * Gets the inverse of the transposed of the current modelView matrix.
1410 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current modelView matrix inverted transposed.
1411 	 */		
1412 	TransformStack.prototype.getModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose = function() {
1413 		return this.getModelViewMatrix().invert().$transpose();
1414 	};
1416 	/**
1417 	 * Gets the normal matrix (aka the inverse transpose of the modelView matrix).
1418 	 * @returns {Matrix4} The current modelView matrix inverted transposed.
1419 	 */
1420 	TransformStack.prototype.getNormalMatrix = function() {
1421 		return this.getModelViewMatrixInverseTranspose();
1422 	};
1424 	/**
1425 	 * Sets the current stack as the projection stack.
1426 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1427 	 */
1428 	TransformStack.prototype.projection = function() {
1429 		this.currentStack = this.projStack;
1430 		return this;
1431 	};
1433 	/**
1434 	 * Sets the current stack as the view stack.
1435 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1436 	 */	
1437 	TransformStack.prototype.view = function() {
1438 		this.currentStack = this.viewStack;
1439 		return this;
1440 	};
1442 	/**
1443 	 * Sets the current stack as the model stack.
1444 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1445 	 */	
1446 	TransformStack.prototype.model = function() {
1447 		this.currentStack = this.modelStack;
1448 		return this;
1449 	};
1451 	/**
1452 	 * Push the matrix on top of the current stack.
1453 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1454 	 */
1455 	TransformStack.prototype.pushMatrix = function() {
1456 		this.currentStack.push();
1457 		return this;
1458 	};
1460 	/**
1461 	 * Pops out the matrix on top of the current stack.
1462 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1463 	 */
1464 	TransformStack.prototype.popMatrix = function() {
1465 		this.currentStack.pop();
1466 		return this;
1467 	};
1469 	/**
1470 	 * Loads the identity on the current stack.
1471 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1472 	 */	
1473 	TransformStack.prototype.loadIdentity = function() {
1474 		this.currentStack.loadIdentity();
1475 		return this;
1476 	};
1478 	/**
1479 	 * Multiply a matrix with the current stack.
1480 	 * @param {Matrix4} The matrix to multiply with. 
1481 	 * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1482 	 */		
1483 	TransformStack.prototype.multiply = function(matrix) {
1484 		this.currentStack.multiply(matrix);
1485 		return this;
1486 	};
1488   /**
1489    * Apply a perspective transformation to the current stack.
1490    * @param {Number} fovy The vertical field of view angle.
1491    * @param {Number} aspect The aspect ratio aka the horizontal field of view angle.
1492    * @param {Number} near The near clipping plane.
1493    * @param {Number} far The far clipping plane.  
1494    * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1495    */  
1496 	TransformStack.prototype.perspective = function(fovy, aspect, near, far) {
1497 		this.currentStack.perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far);
1498 		return this;
1499 	};
1501 	/**
1502 	 * Apply a lookAt transformation to the current stack.
1503 	 * @param {Vector3} eye The eye vector. 
1504 	 * @param {Vector3} direction The direction vector. 
1505 	 * @param {Vector3} up The up vector.  
1506    * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1507 	 */
1508 	TransformStack.prototype.lookAt = function(eye, direction, up) {
1509 		this.currentStack.lookAt(eye, direction, up);
1510 		return this;
1511 	};
1513 	/**
1514 	 * Apply a rotation to the current stack.
1515 	 * @param {Number} angle The rotation angle.
1516    * @param {Number} x The rotation axis x coordinate.
1517    * @param {Number} y The rotation axis y coordinate.
1518    * @param {Number} z The rotation axis z coordinate.  
1519    * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1520 	 */	
1521 	TransformStack.prototype.rotate = function(angle, x, y, z) {
1522 		this.currentStack.rotate(angle, x, y, z);
1523 		return this;
1524 	};
1526 	/**
1527 	 * Apply a rotation around x, y and z axes to the current stack.
1528 	 * @param {Number} rx The rotation angle around X axis. 
1529 	 * @param {Number} ry The rotation angle around Y axis.
1530 	 * @param {Number} rz The rotation angle around Z axis. 
1531    * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1532 	 */			
1533 	TransformStack.prototype.rotateXYZ = function(rx, ry, rz) {
1534 		this.currentStack.rotateXYZ(rx, ry, rz);
1535 		return this;
1536 	};
1538 	/**
1539 	 * Apply a translation to the current stack.
1540 	 * @param {Number} x The x translation factor. 
1541 	 * @param {Number} y The y translation factor.
1542 	 * @param {Number} z The z translation factor. 
1543    * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1544 	 */		
1545 	TransformStack.prototype.translate = function(x, y, z) {
1546 		this.currentStack.translate(x, y, z);
1547 		return this;
1548 	};
1550 	/**
1551 	 * Apply a scale transformation to the current stack.
1552 	 * @param {Number} x The x scale factor. 
1553 	 * @param {Number} y The y scale factor.
1554 	 * @param {Number} z The z scale factor. 
1555    * @returns {TransformStack} Returns this TransformStack.
1556 	 */	
1557 	TransformStack.prototype.scale = function(x, y, z) {
1558 		this.currentStack.scale(x, y, z);
1559 		return this;
1560 	};
1562 	return TransformStack;
1564 }());
1566 // skin.js
1567 // The skin module has the tools to manipulate colors, materials, lights and textures.
1569 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.skin.Color');
1571 BenchGL.skin.Color = (function() {
1573 	// Dependencies
1574   var Vec3 = BenchGL.math.Vector3, 
1576   		// Private properties and methods
1577       Color;
1579   /**
1580    * Creates a new Color.
1581    * @class Represents an RGB(A) color.
1582    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1583    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1584    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1585    * @param {Number} [a=1] The alpha component of the color.
1586    */
1587   Color = function(r, g, b, a) {
1588     this.r = r;
1589     this.g = g;
1590     this.b = b;
1591     this.a = a || 1;
1592   };
1594   /**
1595    * Gets an array representaton of this Color in RGB format.
1596    * @returns {Number[]} An array representing an RGB color.
1597    */
1598   Color.prototype.toRGBArray = function() {
1599     return [this.r, this.g, this.b];
1600   };
1602   /**
1603    * Gets an array representaton of this Color in RGBA format.
1604    * @returns {Number[]} An array representing an RGBA color.
1605    */  
1606   Color.prototype.toRGBAArray = function(){
1607     return [this.r, this.g, this.b, this.a];
1608   };
1610   return Color;
1612 }());
1614 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.skin.Material');
1616 BenchGL.skin.Material = (function() {
1618 	// Dependencies
1619 	var Color = BenchGL.skin.Color,
1621 			// Private properties and methods
1622 			Material;
1624   /**
1625    * Creates a new Material.
1626    * @class Represents a material, thus a way to express 
1627    * interaction between light and geometric models. 
1628    * @param {Object} [options] Contains parameters to create the material.
1629    * @param {Object} [options.ambient] Holds the ambient color.
1630    * @param {Object} [options.diffuse] Holds the diffuse color.
1631    * @param {Object} [options.specular] Holds the specular color.
1632    * @param {Object} [options.emissive] Holds the emissive color.
1633    * @param {Number} [options.shininess] Specifies the shininess of the material.
1634    */
1635   Material = function(options) {
1636     options = $.mix({
1637       ambient: {
1638         r: 0.0,
1639         g: 0.0,
1640         b: 0.0
1641       },
1642       diffuse: {
1643         r: 1.0,
1644         g: 1.0,
1645         b: 1.0
1646       },
1647       specular: {
1648         r: 1.0,
1649         g: 1.0,
1650         b: 1.0
1651       },
1652       emissive: {
1653         r: 1.0,
1654         g: 1.0,
1655         b: 1.0
1656       },
1657       shininess: 0.1
1658     }, options || {});
1660     var ambient = options.ambient, 
1661         diffuse = options.diffuse, 
1662         specular = options.specular, 
1663         emissive = options.emissive;
1665     this.ambient = new Color(ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b);
1666     this.diffuse = new Color(diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b);
1667     this.specular = new Color(specular.r, specular.g, specular.b);
1668     this.emissive = new Color(emissive.r, emissive.g, emissive.b);
1669     this.shininess = options.shininess;
1670   };
1672   /**
1673    * Sets the ambient color of this Material.
1674    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1675    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1676    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1677    * @returns {Material} Returns this Material.
1678    */
1679   Material.prototype.setAmbient = function(r, g, b) {
1680     this.ambient = new Color(r, g, b);
1681     return this;
1682   };
1684   /**
1685    * Sets the diffuse color of this Material.
1686    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1687    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1688    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1689    * @returns {Material} Returns this Material.
1690    */  
1691   Material.prototype.setDiffuse = function(r, g, b) {
1692     this.diffuse = new Color(r, g, b);
1693     return this;
1694   };
1696   /**
1697    * Sets the specular color of this Material.
1698    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1699    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1700    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1701    * @returns {Material} Returns this Material.
1702    */  
1703   Material.prototype.setSpecular = function(r, g, b) {
1704     this.specular = new Color(r, g, b);
1705     return this;
1706   };
1708   /**
1709    * Sets the emissive color of this Material.
1710    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1711    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1712    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1713    * @returns {Material} Returns this Material.
1714    */  
1715   Material.prototype.setEmissive = function(r, g, b) {
1716     this.emissive = new Color(r, g, b);
1717     return this;
1718   };
1720   /**
1721    * Sets the shininess of this Material.
1722    * @param {Number} shininess The shininess to set.
1723    * @returns {Material} Returns this Material.
1724    */  
1725   Material.prototype.setShininess = function(shininess) {
1726     this.shininess = shininess;
1727     return this;
1728   };
1730   return Material;
1732 }());
1734 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.skin.Light');
1736 BenchGL.skin.Light = (function() {
1738   // Dependencies
1739   var Vec3 = BenchGL.math.Vector3,
1740   		Color = BenchGL.skin.Color,
1741   		Material = BenchGL.skin.Material,
1743   		// Private properties and methods
1744   		Light;
1746   /**
1747    * Creates a new Light.
1748    * @class Represent a light in a 3D world.
1749    * @param {Object} [options] Contains parameters to create the light.
1750    * @param {Object} [options.position] Holds the position of the light.
1751    * @param {Object} [options.diffuse] Holds the diffuse color.
1752    * @param {Object} [options.specular] Holds the specular color.
1753    * @param {Object} [options.direction] Holds the direction of the light.
1754    * @param {Number} [options.cutoff] Holds the cutoff factor.
1755    * @param {Number} [options.exponent] Holds the cutoff factor.
1756    * @param {Number} [options.constant] Holds the costant attenuation factor.
1757    * @param {Number} [options.linear] Holds the linear attenuation factor.
1758    * @param {Number} [options.quadratic] Holds the quadratic attenuation factor.
1759    * @param {Number} [options.active] Activate the light.
1760    */
1761   Light = function(options) {
1762     options = $.mix({
1763       position: {
1764         x: 0.0,
1765         y: 0.0,
1766         z: -1.0
1767       },
1768       ambient: {
1769         r: 0.0,
1770         g: 0.0,
1771         b: 0.0
1772       },
1773       diffuse: {
1774         r: 1.0,
1775         g: 1.0,
1776         b: 1.0
1777       },
1778       specular: {
1779         r: 1.0,
1780         g: 1.0,
1781         b: 1.0
1782       },
1783       direction: {
1784         x: 0.0,
1785         y: 0.0,
1786         z: -1.0
1787       },
1788       cutoff: 180.0,
1789       exponent: 0.0,
1790       constant: 1.0,
1791       linear: 0.0,
1792       quadratic: 0.0,
1793       active: true
1794     }, options || {});
1796     var position = options.position, 
1797         ambient = options.ambient, 
1798         diffuse = options.diffuse, 
1799         specular = options.specular, 
1800         direction = options.direction;
1802     this.position = new Vec3(position.x, position.y, position.z);
1803     this.ambient = new Color(ambient.r, ambient.g, ambient.b);
1804     this.diffuse = new Color(diffuse.r, diffuse.g, diffuse.b);
1805     this.specular = new Color(specular.r, specular.g, specular.b);
1806     this.direction = new Color(direction.x, direction.y, direction.z);
1807     this.cutOff = options.cutoff;
1808     this.exponent = options.exponent;
1809     this.constant = options.constant;
1810     this.linear = options.linear;
1811     this.quadratic = options.quadratic;
1812     this.active = options.active;
1813   };
1815   /**
1816    * Sets the position of this Light.
1817    * @param {Number} x The x coordinate to set.
1818    * @param {Number} y The y coordinate to set.
1819    * @param {Number} z The z coordinate to set.
1820    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1821    */
1822   Light.prototype.setPosition = function(x, y, z) {
1823     this.position = new Vec3(x, y, z);
1824     return this;
1825   };
1827   /**
1828    * Sets the ambient color of this Light.
1829    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1830    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1831    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1832    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1833    */  
1834   Light.prototype.setAmbient = function(r, g, b) {
1835     this.ambient = new Color(r, g, b);
1836     return this;
1837   };
1839   /**
1840    * Sets the diffuse color of this Light.
1841    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1842    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1843    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1844    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1845    */    
1846   Light.prototype.setDiffuse = function(r, g, b) {
1847     this.diffuse = new Color(r, g, b);
1848     return this;
1849   };
1851   /**
1852    * Sets the specular color of this Light.
1853    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
1854    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
1855    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
1856    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1857    */    
1858   Light.prototype.setSpecular = function(r, g, b) {
1859     this.specular = new Color(r, g, b);
1860     return this;
1861   };
1863   /**
1864    * Sets the direction of this Light.
1865    * @param {Number} x The x coordinate to set.
1866    * @param {Number} y The y coordinate to set.
1867    * @param {Number} z The z coordinate to set.
1868    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1869    */ 
1870   Light.prototype.setDirection = function(x, y, z) {
1871     this.direction = new Vec3(x, y, z).$unit();
1872     return this;
1873   };
1875   /**
1876    * Sets the exponent of this Light's intensity.
1877    * @param {Number} exponent The exponent to set.
1878    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1879    */  
1880   Light.prototype.setExponent = function(exponent) {
1881     this.exponent = exponent;
1882     return this;
1883   };
1885   /**
1886    * Sets the cutoff of this Light.
1887    * @param {Number} cutoff The cutoff to set.
1888    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1889    */   
1890   Light.prototype.setCutoff = function(cutoff) {
1891     this.cutoff = cutoff;
1892     return this;
1893   };
1895   /**
1896    * Sets the constant attenuation factor of this Light.
1897    * @param {Number} constant The attenuation factor to set.
1898    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1899    */   
1900   Light.prototype.setConstantAttenuation = function(constant) {
1901     this.constant = constant;
1902     return this;
1903   };
1905   /**
1906    * Sets the linear attenuation factor of this Light.
1907    * @param {Number} linear The attenuation factor to set.
1908    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1909    */   
1910   Light.prototype.setLinearAttenuation = function(linear) {
1911     this.linear = linear;
1912     return this;
1913   };
1915   /**
1916    * Sets the quadratic attenuation factor of this Light.
1917    * @param {Number} quadratic The attenuation factor to set.
1918    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1919    */   
1920   Light.prototype.setQuadraticAttenuation = function(quadratic) {
1921     this.quadratic = quadratic;
1922     return this;
1923   };
1925   /**
1926    * Switches the light on and off.
1927    * @param {Boolean} active True to activate this Light, false otherwise.
1928    * @returns {Light} Returns this Light.
1929    */
1930   Light.prototype.setActive = function(active) {
1931     this.active = active;
1932     return this;
1933   };
1935   return Light;
1937 }());
1939 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.skin.Texture');
1941 BenchGL.skin.Texture = (function() {
1943   // Private properties and methods
1944   var Texture;
1946   /**
1947    * Creates a new Texture.
1948    * @class Represent a texture.
1949    * @param {Object} options Contains some info to generate the texture.
1950    * @param {Image} options.image The image to generate the texture from.
1951    * @param {Number} [options.level] The level of the texture.
1952    * @param {Number} [options.verticalFlip] Indicates to flip the y coordinate over the texture.
1953    * @param {Number} [options.internalFmt] The WebGL internal format of the texture.
1954    * @param {Number} [options.format] The format of the texture.
1955    * @param {Number} [options.type] The data type of the colors for each pixel in the image.
1956    * @param {Number} [options.magFilter] Specifies magnification filters to use in mipmapping.
1957    * @param {Number} [options.minFilter] Specifies minification filters to use in mipmapping.
1958    * @param {Number} [options.target] The WebGL target for the texture.
1959    * @param {Boolean} [options.mipmap] Indicates if mipmap of the texture have to be created.
1960    */
1961   Texture = function(options) {
1962     options = $.mix({
1963       level: 0,
1964       verticalFlip: true,
1965       internalFmt: gl.RGBA,
1966       format: gl.RGBA,
1967       type: gl.UNSIGNED_BYTE,
1968       magFilter: gl.LINEAR,
1969       minFilter: gl.LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST,
1970       mipmap: true,
1971       target: gl.TEXTURE_2D
1972     }, options || {});
1974     var texture = gl.createTexture();
1976     this.options = options;
1977     this.handler = texture;
1979     gl.bindTexture(options.target, texture);
1980     gl.pixelStorei(gl.UNPACK_FLIP_Y_WEBGL, options.verticalFlip);
1981     gl.texImage2D(options.target, options.level, options.internalFmt, options.format, options.type, options.image);
1982     gl.texParameteri(options.target, gl.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, options.magFilter);
1983     gl.texParameteri(options.target, gl.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, options.minFilter);
1984     if (options.mipmap) {
1985       this.generateMipmap();
1986     }
1987     gl.bindTexture(options.target, null);
1988   };
1990   /**
1991    * Destroys this Texture.
1992    */
1993   Texture.prototype.destroy = function() {
1994     gl.deleteTexture(this.handler);
1995   };
1997   /**
1998    * Binds this Texture to a sampler unit in the current shader program.
1999    * @param {Number} unit The unit to bind this Texture to.
2000    * @returns {Texture} Returns this Texture.
2001    */
2002   Texture.prototype.bind = function(unit) {
2003     gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
2004     gl.bindTexture(this.options.target, this.handler);
2005     return this;
2006   };
2008   /**
2009    * Unbinds this Texture from a sampler unit in the current shader program.
2010    * @param {Number} unit The unit to unbind this Texture from.
2011    * @returns {Texture} Returns this Texture.
2012    */  
2013   Texture.prototype.unbind = function(unit) {
2014     gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + unit);
2015     gl.bindTexture(this.options.target, null);
2016     return this;
2017   };
2019   /**
2020    * Generates mipmaps for this Texture.
2021    * @returns {Texture} Returns this Texture.
2022    */
2023   Texture.prototype.generateMipmap = function() {
2024     gl.generateMipmap(this.options.target);
2025     return this;
2026   };
2028   return Texture;
2030 }());
2032 // io.js
2033 // Offers structures and functions to perform asynchronous IO operations.
2035 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.io.XHRequest');
2037 BenchGL.io.XHRequest = (function() {
2039   var XHRequest;
2041 	/**
2042 	 * Creates a new XHRequest.
2043 	 * @class Wraps an XMLHttpRequest object to load resources asynchronously. 
2044 	 * @param {Object} [options] The request's options.
2045 	 * @param {String} [options.url] The url for the request.
2046 	 * @param {String} [options.method] The method for the request.
2047 	 * @param {Boolean} [options.async] Is the request asynchronous?
2048 	 * @param {Boolean} [options.binary] Is the response in binary format?
2049 	 * @param {Function} [options.onProgress] Callback to call during request processing.
2050 	 * @param {Function} [options.onLoad] Callback to call after request loading.
2051 	 * @param {Function} [options.onError] Callback to call in case of error.
2052 	 * @param {Function} [options.onAbort] Callback to call if the request is aborted.
2053 	 * @param {Function} [options.onSuccess] Callback to call in case of success.         
2054 	 */
2055   XHRequest = function(options) {
2056     options = $.mix({
2057       url: 'www.webrendering.sourceforge.net',
2058       method: 'GET',
2059       async: true,
2060       binary: false,
2061       onProgress: $.empty,
2062       onLoad: $.empty,
2063       onError: $.empty,
2064       onAbort: $.empty,
2065       onSuccess: $.empty
2066     }, options || {});
2068     var myself = this;
2070     this.options = options;
2071     this.request = new XMLHttpRequest();
2073     this.request.addEventListener('progress', function(e) { myself.onProgress(e); }, false);
2074     this.request.addEventListener('load', function(e) { myself.onLoad(e); }, false);
2075     this.request.addEventListener('error', function(e) { myself.onError(e); }, false);
2076     this.request.addEventListener('abort', function(e) { myself.onAbort(e); }, false);
2077   };
2079   /**
2080    * Executes the request wrapped in this XHRequest.
2081    */
2082   XHRequest.prototype.send = function() {
2083     var options = this.options, 
2084     		url = this.options.url, 
2085     		method = this.options.method, 
2086     		async = this.options.async, 
2087     		binary = this.options.binary, 
2088     		request = this.request;
2090     // Opens the request
2091     request.open(method, url, async);
2093     // Handle async requests
2094     if (async) {
2095       request.onreadystatechange = function(e) {
2096         if (request.readyState === 4) {
2097           if (request.status === 200) {
2098             options.onSuccess(request.responseText);
2099           }
2100           else {
2101             options.onError(request.status);
2102           }
2103         }
2104       };
2105     }
2107     // Handles binary requests
2108     if (binary) {
2109       request.sendAsBinary(null);
2110     }
2111     else {
2112       request.send(null);
2113     }
2115     // If not async wait for the response
2116     if (!async) {
2117       if (request.status === 200) {
2118         options.onSuccess(request.responseText);
2119       }
2120       else {
2121         options.onError(request.status);
2122       }
2123     }
2124   };
2126   /**
2127    * Handles the 'onprogress' event of this XHRequest.
2128    */
2129   XHRequest.prototype.onProgress = function(e) {
2130     this.options.onProgress(e);
2131   };
2133   /**
2134    * Handles the 'onerror' event of this XHRequest.
2135    */  
2136   XHRequest.prototype.onError = function(e) {
2137     this.options.onError(e);
2138   };
2140   /**
2141    * Handles the 'onabort' event of this XHRequest.
2142    */  
2143   XHRequest.prototype.onAbort = function(e) {
2144     this.options.onAbort(e);
2145   };
2147   /**
2148    * Handles the 'onload' event of this XHRequest.
2149    */  
2150   XHRequest.prototype.onLoad = function(e) {
2151     this.options.onLoad(e);
2152   };
2154 	return XHRequest;
2156 }());
2158 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.io.TextureRequest');
2160 BenchGL.io.TextureRequest = (function() {
2162 	var TextureRequest;
2164   /**
2165    * Creates a new TextureRequest.
2166    * @class Represents multiple asynchronous requests for images to build up Texture objects.
2167    * @param {Object} options Information about the requested textures.
2168    */
2169   TextureRequest = function(options) {
2170     this.texturesReqs = options;
2171   };
2173   /**
2174    * Executes all the request of this TextureRequest, 
2175    * using a callback function to handle each one of them on completion.
2176    * @param {Function} callback A callback function to handle results on completion.
2177    */
2178   TextureRequest.prototype.send = function(callback) {
2179     var texturesReqs = this.texturesReqs,
2180         keys = Object.keys(texturesReqs);
2182     keys.map(function(key) {
2183       var textureOpt = texturesReqs[key];
2184       textureOpt.image = new Image();
2185       textureOpt.image.onload = function() {
2186       	if (callback) {
2187         	callback(key, textureOpt);
2188         }
2189       };
2190       textureOpt.image.src = textureOpt.src;
2191     });
2192   };
2194   return TextureRequest;
2196 }());
2198 // ui.js
2199 // The ui module handles user interaction and events.
2201 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.ui.Canvas');
2203 BenchGL.ui.Canvas = (function() {
2205 	var Canvas;
2207 	/**
2208 	 * Creates a new Canvas.
2209 	 * @class Represents a wrap object for a canvas HTML5 element.
2210 	 * @param {HTMLCanvasElement} canvas The canvas element.
2211 	 * @options {Object} options Contains callbacks to handle events in the browser.
2212 	 */
2213   Canvas = function(canvas, options) {
2214     options = $.mix({
2215       onKeyDown: $.empty,
2216       onKeyUp: $.empty,
2217       onMouseDown: $.empty,
2218       onMouseUp: $.empty,
2219       onMouseMove: $.empty,
2220       onMouseWheel: $.empty,
2221       onMouseOut: $.empty
2222     }, options || {});
2224     //canvas.contentEditable = true;
2226     this.canvas = canvas;
2227     this.events = options;
2228     this.keysDown = {};
2229     this.mouseDown = {};
2230     this.mousePosition = {
2231       x: 0.0,
2232       y: 0.0
2233     };
2234     this.mouseLastPosition = {
2235       x: 0.0,
2236       y: 0.0
2237     };
2238     this.mouseDelta = {
2239       x: 0.0,
2240       y: 0.0
2241     };
2243     var myself = this;
2244     document.addEventListener('keydown', function(e) { myself.onKeyDown(e); }, false);
2245     document.addEventListener('keyup', function(e) { myself.onKeyUp(e); }, false);
2246     canvas.addEventListener('mousedown', function(e) { myself.onMouseDown(e); }, false);
2247     canvas.addEventListener('mouseup', function(e) { myself.onMouseUp(e); }, false);
2248     canvas.addEventListener('mousemove', function(e) { myself.onMouseMove(e); }, false);
2249     canvas.addEventListener('mousewheel', function(e) { myself.onMouseWheel(e); }, false);
2250     canvas.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { myself.onMouseWheel(e); }, false);
2251   };
2253   /**
2254    * Handles the 'keydown' event, if supplied.
2255    * @param {Event} e Information about the event occured.
2256    */
2257   Canvas.prototype.onKeyDown = function(e){
2258     this.keysDown[e.keyCode] = true;
2259     this.events.onKeyDown(e);
2260   };
2262   /**
2263    * Handles the 'keyup' event, if supplied.
2264    * @param {Event} e Information about the event occured.
2265    */  
2266   Canvas.prototype.onKeyUp = function(e){
2267     this.keysDown[e.keyCode] = false;
2268     this.events.onKeyUp(e);
2269   };
2271   /**
2272    * Handles the 'mousedown' event, if supplied.
2273    * @param {Event} e Information about the event occured.
2274    */   
2275   Canvas.prototype.onMouseDown = function(e){
2276     var x = e.clientX, y = this.canvas.height - e.clientY - 1;
2278     this.mousePosition.x = x;
2279     this.mousePosition.y = y;
2280     this.mouseLastPosition.x = x;
2281     this.mouseLastPosition.y = y;
2282     this.mouseDelta.x = 0.0;
2283     this.mouseDelta.y = 0.0;
2284     this.mouseDown[e.button] = true;
2286     this.events.onMouseDown(e, x, y);
2287   };
2289   /**
2290    * Handles the 'mouseup' event, if supplied.
2291    * @param {Event} e Information about the event occured.
2292    */   
2293   Canvas.prototype.onMouseUp = function(e){
2294     var x = e.clientX, y = this.canvas.height - e.clientY - 1;
2296     this.mousePosition.x = x;
2297     this.mousePosition.y = y;
2298     this.mouseLastPosition.x = x;
2299     this.mouseLastPosition.y = y;
2300     this.mouseDelta.x = 0.0;
2301     this.mouseDelta.y = 0.0;
2302     this.mouseDown[e.button] = false;
2304     this.events.onMouseUp(e, x, y);
2305   };
2307   /**
2308    * Handles the 'mousemove' event, if supplied.
2309    * @param {Event} e Information about the event occured.
2310    */   
2311   Canvas.prototype.onMouseMove = function(e){
2312     var x = e.clientX, y = this.canvas.height - e.clientY - 1;
2314     this.mouseLastPosition.x = this.mousePosition.x;
2315     this.mouseLastPosition.y = this.mousePosition.y;
2316     this.mousePosition.x = x;
2317     this.mousePosition.y = y;
2318     this.mouseDelta.x = this.mousePosition.x - this.mouseLastPosition.x;
2319     this.mouseDelta.y = this.mousePosition.y - this.mouseLastPosition.y;
2321     this.events.onMouseMove(e, this.mouseDelta.x, this.mouseDelta.y);
2322   };
2324   /**
2325    * Handles the 'mousewheel' event, if supplied.
2326    * @param {Event} e Information about the event occured.
2327    */     
2328   Canvas.prototype.onMouseWheel = function(e) {
2329     var x = e.clientX, y = this.canvas.height - e.clientY - 1, delta = 0;
2331     this.mouseLastPosition.x = this.mousePosition.x;
2332     this.mouseLastPosition.y = this.mousePosition.y;
2333     this.mousePosition.x = x;
2334     this.mousePosition.y = y;
2335     this.mouseDelta.x = 0;
2336     this.mouseDelta.y = 0;
2338     if (!e) {
2339       e = window.event;
2340     }
2341     if (e.wheelDelta) {
2342       delta = e.wheelDelta / 120;
2343       if (window.opera) {
2344         delta = -delta;
2345       }
2346     }
2347     else if (e.detail){
2348       delta = -e.detail / 3;
2349     }
2351     if (delta) {
2352       this.events.onMouseWheel(e, delta);
2353     }
2354   };
2356   return Canvas;
2358 }());
2360 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.ui.Camera');
2362 BenchGL.ui.Camera = (function() {
2364 	// Dependencies
2365 	var Vec3 = BenchGL.math.Vector3,
2366 			MatStack = BenchGL.math.MatrixStack,
2368 			// Private properties and methods
2369       Camera;
2371 	/**
2372 	 * Creates a new Camera.
2373 	 * @class Represents a camera with a point of view over a 3D scene.
2374 	 * @param {Object} options The options to set up this Camera.
2375 	 * @param {Number} options.fovy The field of view vertical angle.
2376 	 * @param {Number} options.aspect The aspect ratio.
2377 	 * @param {Number} options.near The near clipping plane.
2378 	 * @param {Number} options.far The far clipping plane.
2379 	 * @param {Number[]} [options.eye] The position vector of this Camera.
2380 	 * @param {Number[]} [options.direction] The viewing direction vector of this Camera.
2381 	 * @param {Number[]} [options.up] The up vector of this Camera. 
2382 	 */
2383 	Camera = function(options) {
2384 		var e = options.eye,
2385 				d = options.direction,
2386 				u = options.up,
2387 				fovy = options.fovy,
2388 				aspect = options.aspect,
2389 				near = options.near,
2390 				far = options.far;
2392 		this.fovy = fovy;
2393 		this.aspect = aspect;
2394 		this.near = near;
2395 		this.far = far;
2396 		this.eye = (e && new Vec3(e.x, e.y, e.z)) || new Vec3(0, 0, 0);
2397 		this.direction = (d && new Vec3(d.x, d.y, d.z)) || new Vec3(0, 0, -1);
2398 		this.up = (u && new Vec3(u.x, u.y, u.z)) || new Vec3(0, 1, 0);
2400     this.projStack = new MatStack();
2401     this.viewStack = new MatStack();
2402     this.modelStack = new MatStack();
2404     this.viewStack.lookAt(this.eye, this.direction, this.up);
2405 		this.projStack.perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far);
2406 	};
2408   /**
2409    * Gets this Camera's projection stack.
2410    * @returns {MatrixStack} A projection matrix stack.
2411    */
2412   Camera.prototype.proj = function() {
2413     return this.projstack;
2414   };
2416 	/**
2417 	 * Gets this Camera's view stack.
2418 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} A view matrix stack
2419 	 */
2420   Camera.prototype.view = function() {
2421     return this.viewStack;
2422   };
2424 	/**
2425 	 * Gets this Camera's model stack.
2426 	 * @returns {MatrixStack} A model matrix stack
2427 	 */  
2428   Camera.prototype.model = function() {
2429     return this.modelStack;
2430   };
2432   /**
2433    * Gets the projection matrix of this Camera.
2434    * @returns {Matrix4} A matrix representing a projective transformation.
2435    */  
2436   Camera.prototype.projMatrix = function() {
2437     return this.projStack.top();
2438   };
2440   /**
2441    * Gets the view matrix of this Camera.
2442    * @returns {Matrix4} A matrix representing a transformation from world to camera space.
2443    */  
2444   Camera.prototype.viewMatrix = function() {
2445     return this.viewStack.top();
2446   };
2448   /**
2449    * Gets the model matrix of this Camera.
2450    * @returns {Matrix4} A matrix representing a common transformation to apply to the scene.
2451    */
2452   Camera.prototype.modelMatrix = function() {
2453     return this.modelStack.top();
2454   };
2456 	/**
2457 	 * Gets the modelView matrix of this Camera.
2458 	 * @returns {Matrix4} A matrix representing the full tranformation from object to camera space.
2459 	 */
2460   Camera.prototype.modelViewMatrix = function() {
2461     return this.viewStack.top().multiplyMat4(this.modelStack.top());
2462   };
2464   /**
2465    * Resets this Camera, loading identity matrices on top of the view and model stacks.
2466    */
2467   Camera.prototype.reset = function() {
2468     this.viewStack.loadIdentity();
2469     this.modelStack.loadIdentity();
2470   };
2472 	/**
2473 	 * Updates this Camera's local reference frame.
2474 	 */
2475 	Camera.prototype.update = function() {
2476 		this.viewStack.lookAt(this.eye, this.direction, this.up);
2477 	};
2479 	return Camera;
2481 }());
2483 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.ui.Logger');
2485 BenchGL.ui.Logger = (function() {
2487   // Private properties and methods
2488   var instance, 
2489   		Logger;
2491 	/**
2492 	 * Gets an instance of a Logger.
2493 	 * @class Helps logging stuff.
2494 	 */
2495   Logger = function Logger() {
2496     if (instance) {
2497       return instance;
2498     }
2499     instance = this;
2500   };
2502   /**
2503    * Logs a message to console.
2504    * @param {Object} message The message to log. 
2505    */
2506   Logger.prototype.log = function(message) {
2507     console.log(message);
2508   };
2510 	return Logger;
2512 }());
2514 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.ui.Timer');
2516 BenchGL.ui.Timer = (function() {
2518 	// Private properties and methods
2519 	var nowTime = 0,
2520 			lastTime = 0,
2521 			elapsedTime = 0,
2522       Timer;
2524 	/**
2525 	 * Creates a new Timer.
2526 	 * @class	A class for timing purpouses, like calculating FPS for an application.
2527 	 */
2528 	Timer = function() {
2529 		this.fps = 0;
2530 		this.lastDelta = 0;
2531 		this.maxSamples = 50;
2532 		this.samples = [];
2533 	};
2535 	/**
2536 	 * Starts this Timer.
2537 	 */
2538 	Timer.prototype.start = function() {
2539 		nowTime = new Date().getTime();
2540 		lastTime = nowTime;
2541 		elapsedTime = 0;
2542 		return this;
2543 	};
2545 	/**
2546 	 * Stops this Timer.
2547 	 */
2548 	Timer.prototype.stop = function() {
2549 		var now = new Date().getTime(),
2550         sample, i, l, fps = 0;
2552     lastTime = nowTime;
2553 		nowTime = now;
2554 		elapsedTime = nowTime - lastTime;
2555 		sample = 1000.0 / elapsedTime;
2557 		if (this.samples.unshift(sample) > this.maxSamples) {
2558       this.samples.pop();     
2559     }
2561 		for (i = 0, l = this.samples.length; i < l; i++) {
2562 			fps += this.samples[i];
2563 		}
2564 		fps /= this.samples.length;
2566 		this.fps = Math.round(fps);
2567 		this.lastDelta = elapsedTime;
2568 		return this;
2569 	};
2571 	/**
2572 	 * Clears this Timer.
2573 	 */
2574 	Timer.prototype.clear = function() {
2575 		nowTime = 0;
2576 		lastTime = 0;
2577 		elapsedTime = 0;
2579 		this.fps = 0;
2580 		this.lastDelta = 0;
2581 		this.samples = [];
2582 		return this;
2583 	};
2585 	return Timer;
2587 }());
2589 // worker.js
2590 // Part of the extra module, provides support to Web Workers.
2592 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.extra.WorkerPool');
2594 BenchGL.extra.WorkerPool = (function() {
2596 	// Private properties and methods
2597 	var WorkerPool;
2599 	/**
2600 	 * Creates a new WorkerPool.
2601 	 * @class Coordinates a group of WebWorkers.
2602 	 * @param {String} filename The filename for the worker script.
2603 	 * @param {Number} n The number of WebWorkers to create. 
2604 	 */
2605   WorkerPool = function(filename, n){
2606     this.workers = [];
2607     this.configs = [];
2608     while (n--) {
2609       this.workers.push(new Worker(filename));
2610     }
2611   };
2613   /**
2614    * Maps configurations to the workers in this WorkerPool.
2615    * @param {Function} mapper The mapping function.
2616    */
2617   WorkerPool.prototype.map = function(mapper) {
2618     var i, l;
2619     for (i = 0, l = this.workers.length; i < l; i++) {
2620       this.configs.push(mapper(i));
2621     }
2622   };
2624   /**
2625    * Starts and merges the computation of the workers in this WorkerGroup.
2626    * @param {Function} reducer The function to merge the results.
2627    * @param {Function} callback A callback function to call when te work is done.
2628    * @param {Object} base A base result to start the computation from.  
2629    */
2630   WorkerPool.prototype.reduce = function(reducer, callback, base) {
2631     var total = base,
2632         l = this.workers.length,
2633         worker, i,
2634         /**
2635          * @ignore For documentation tool only.
2636          */
2637         message = function(e){
2638           l--;
2639           if (total === "undefined") {
2640             total = e.data;
2641           }
2642           else {
2643             reducer(total, e.data);
2644           }
2645           if (l === 0) {
2646             callback(total);
2647           }
2648         };
2650     for (i = 0, l = this.workers.length; i < l; i++) {
2651       worker = this.workers[i];
2652       worker.onmessage = message;
2653       worker.postMessage(this.configs[i]);
2654     }
2655   };
2657   /**
2658    * Shuts down all the workers in this WorkerGroup.
2659    */
2660   WorkerPool.prototype.shutDown = function() {
2661     var workers = this.workers, 
2662         worker, i, l;
2664     for (i = 0, l = workers.length; i < l; i++) {
2665       worker = workers[i];
2666       worker.terminate();
2667     }
2668   };
2670   /**
2671    * Cleans the configurations previously assigned to workers in this WorkerGroup.
2672    */
2673   WorkerPool.prototype.clean = function(){
2674     this.configs = [];
2675   };
2677   return WorkerPool;
2679 }());
2681 // shader.js
2682 // Module webgl: Offers WebGL shader encapsulation.
2684 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.webgl.Shader');
2686 BenchGL.webgl.Shader = (function() {
2688 	// Private properties and methods
2689 	var Shader;
2691 	/**
2692 	 * Creates a new Shader.
2693 	 * @class Represents a WebGL shader.
2694 	 * @param {Number} type The WebGL type of this shader.
2695 	 * @param {String} source The source string for the shader. 
2696 	 */
2697 	Shader = function(type, source) {
2698 		var shader = gl.createShader(type),
2699 				valid = false,
2700 				log = '';
2702 		gl.shaderSource(shader, source);
2703 		gl.compileShader(shader);
2705 		valid = gl.getShaderParameter(shader, gl.COMPILE_STATUS) !== 0;		
2706 		log += gl.getShaderInfoLog(shader);
2708 		this.source = source;
2709 		this.handler = shader;
2710 		this.type = type;
2711 		this.valid = valid;
2712 		this.log = log;
2713 	};
2715 	/**
2716 	 * Destroys this Shader.
2717 	 */
2718 	Shader.prototype.destroy = function() {
2719 		gl.deleteShader(this.handler);
2720 	};
2722 	/**
2723 	 * Static container for the default vertex shaders.
2724 	 * @static
2725 	 */
2726 	Shader.Vertex = {
2727 		Default : [
2728 			"#ifdef GL_ES",
2729 			"precision highp float;",
2730 			"#endif",
2732 			"attribute vec3 a_position;",
2733 			"attribute vec3 a_normal;",
2734 			"attribute vec2 a_texcoord;",
2735 			"attribute vec4 a_color;",
2737 			"uniform mat4 u_modelViewMatrix;",
2738 			"uniform mat4 u_projectionMatrix;",
2739 			"uniform mat4 u_normalMatrix;",
2740 			"uniform mat4 u_viewMatrix;",
2742 			"uniform bool u_enableLighting;",
2743 			"uniform vec3 u_ambientColor;",
2744 			"uniform vec3 u_directionalColor;",
2745 			"uniform vec3 u_lightingDirection;",
2747 			"uniform bool u_enableLight1;",
2748 			"uniform vec3 u_lightColor1;",
2749 			"uniform vec3 u_lightPosition1;",
2751 			"uniform bool u_enableLight2;",
2752 			"uniform vec3 u_lightColor2;",
2753 			"uniform vec3 u_lightPosition2;",
2755 			"uniform bool u_enableLight3;",
2756 			"uniform vec3 u_lightColor3;",
2757 			"uniform vec3 u_lightPosition3;",
2759 			"uniform bool u_enableLight4;",
2760 			"uniform vec3 u_lightColor4;",
2761 			"uniform vec3 u_lightPosition4;",
2763 			"varying vec4 v_color;",
2764 			"varying vec2 v_texcoord;",
2765 			"varying vec3 v_lightFactor;",
2767 			"void main(void) {",
2768 			"	vec4 ecPosition = u_modelViewMatrix * vec4(a_position, 1.0);",
2770 			" if (!u_enableLighting) {",
2771 			"		v_lightFactor = vec3(1.0, 1.0, 1.0);",
2772 			"	} else {",
2773 			"		vec3 lightDirection;",
2774 			"		vec3 lightPosition;",
2775 			"		vec3 lightFactor1 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);",
2776 			"		vec3 lightFactor2 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);",
2777 			"		vec3 lightFactor3 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);",
2778 			"		vec3 lightFactor4 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);",
2780 			"		vec3 normal = normalize((u_normalMatrix * vec4(a_normal, 1.0)).xyz);",
2782 			"		vec3 directionalFactor = max(0.0, dot(normal, -u_lightingDirection)) * u_directionalColor;",
2784 			"		if (u_enableLight1) {",
2785 			"			lightPosition = (u_viewMatrix * vec4(u_lightPosition1, 1.0)).xyz;",
2786 			"			lightDirection = normalize(lightPosition - ecPosition.xyz);",
2787 			"			lightFactor1 = max(0.0, dot(normal, lightDirection)) * u_lightColor1;",
2788 			"		}",
2790 			"		if (u_enableLight2) {",
2791 			"			lightPosition = (u_viewMatrix * vec4(u_lightPosition2, 1.0)).xyz;",
2792 			"			lightDirection = normalize(lightPosition - ecPosition.xyz);",
2793 			"			lightFactor2 = max(0.0, dot(normal, lightDirection)) * u_lightColor2;",
2794 			"		}",
2796 			"		if (u_enableLight3) {",
2797 			"			lightPosition = (u_viewMatrix * vec4(u_lightPosition3, 1.0)).xyz;",
2798 			"			lightDirection = normalize(lightPosition - ecPosition.xyz);",
2799 			"			lightFactor3 = max(0.0, dot(normal, lightDirection)) * u_lightColor3;",
2800 			"		}",
2802 			"		if (u_enableLight4) {",
2803 			"			lightPosition = (u_viewMatrix * vec4(u_lightPosition4, 1.0)).xyz;",
2804 			"			lightDirection = normalize(lightPosition - ecPosition.xyz);",
2805 			"			lightFactor4 = max(0.0, dot(normal, lightDirection)) * u_lightColor4;",
2806 			"		}",
2808 			"		v_lightFactor = u_ambientColor + directionalFactor + ",
2809 			"			lightFactor1 + lightFactor2 + lightFactor3 + lightFactor4;",
2810 			"	}",
2812 			"	v_color = a_color;",
2813 			" v_texcoord = a_texcoord;",
2814 			" gl_Position = u_projectionMatrix * ecPosition;",
2815 			"}"
2817 		].join("\n")
2818 	};
2820 	/**
2821 	 * Static container for the default fragment shaders.
2822 	 * @static
2823 	 */	
2824 	Shader.Fragment = {
2825 		Default : [
2826 			"#ifdef GL_ES",
2827 			"precision highp float;",
2828 			"#endif",
2830 			"uniform bool u_enableTexturing;",
2831 			"uniform bool u_useTexture0;",
2832 			"uniform sampler2D tex0;",
2834 			"varying vec4 v_color;",
2835 			"varying vec2 v_texcoord;",
2836 			"varying vec3 v_lightFactor;",
2838 			"void main(void) {",
2839 			"	vec4 fColor = vec4(v_color.rgb * v_lightFactor, v_color.a);",
2841 			"	if (u_enableTexturing) {",
2842       "   if (u_useTexture0) {",
2843 			"			fColor = vec4(texture2D(tex0, vec2(v_texcoord.s, v_texcoord.t)).rgb * v_lightFactor, 1.0);",
2844       "   }",
2845       " }",
2847 			"	gl_FragColor = fColor;",
2848 			"}"
2849 		].join("\n")
2850 	};
2852 	return Shader;
2854 }());
2856 // program.js
2857 // Module webgl: Gives shader program support.
2859 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.webgl.ProgramAttribute');
2861 BenchGL.webgl.ProgramAttribute = (function() {
2863 	// Private properties and methods
2864   var ProgramAttribute;
2866   /**
2867    * Creates a new ProgramAttribute.
2868    * @class Represents an attribute variable in a shader program.
2869    * @param {Program} program The program in wich the attribute lives.
2870    * @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
2871    * @param {Number} type The WebGL type of the attribute.
2872    * @param {Number} size The size of the attributes in bytes.
2873    * @param {Number} location The index location in the shader.   
2874    */
2875   ProgramAttribute = function(program, name, type, size, location) {
2876     this.program = program;
2877     this.name = name;
2878     this.type = type;
2879     this.size = size;
2880     this.location = location;
2881   };
2883   /**
2884    * Sets the index of this ProgramAttribute.
2885    * @param {Number} n The index to set.
2886    */
2887   ProgramAttribute.prototype.setIndex = function(n) {
2888     gl.bindAttribLocation(this.program.handler, n, this.name);
2889     this.location = n;
2890   }; 
2892   /**
2893    * Gets the index of this ProgramAttribute.
2894    * @returns {Number} The current index of this ProgramAttribute in the program
2895    */
2896   ProgramAttribute.prototype.getIndex = function() {
2897     return this.location;
2898   };
2900   return ProgramAttribute;
2902 }());
2904 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.webgl.ProgramUniform');
2906 BenchGL.webgl.ProgramUniform = (function() {
2908 	// Private properties and methods
2909 	var ProgramUniform;
2911   /**
2912    * Creates a new ProgramUniform.
2913    * @class Represents an uniform variable in a shader program.
2914    * @param {Program} program The program in wich the uniform lives.
2915    * @param {String} name The name of the uniform.
2916    * @param {Number} type The WebGL type of the uniform.
2917    * @param {Number} size The size of the attributes in bytes.
2918    * @param {Number} location The index location in the shader.   
2919    */  
2920   ProgramUniform = function(program, name, type, size, location) {
2921     this.program = program;
2922     this.name = name;
2923     this.type = type;
2924     this.size = size;
2925     this.location = location;
2926     this.func = null;
2927     this.value = null;
2929     switch (type) {
2930       case gl.BOOL:
2931         this.func = function(v){
2932           gl.uniform1i(this.location, v);
2933         };
2934         break;
2935       case gl.BOOL_VEC2:
2936         this.func = function(v){
2937           gl.uniform2iv(this.location, new Uint16Array(v));
2938         };
2939         break;
2940       case gl.BOOL_VEC3:
2941         this.func = function(v){
2942           gl.uniform3iv(this.location, new Uint16Array(v));
2943         };
2944         break;
2945       case gl.BOOL_VEC4:
2946         this.func = function(v){
2947           gl.uniform4iv(this.location, new Uint16Array(v));
2948         };
2949         break;
2950       case gl.INT:
2951         this.func = function(v){
2952           gl.uniform1i(this.location, v);
2953         };
2954         break;
2955       case gl.INT_VEC2:
2956         this.func = function(v){
2957           gl.uniform2iv(this.location, new Uint16Array(v));
2958         };
2959         break;
2960       case gl.INT_VEC3:
2961         this.func = function(v){
2962           gl.uniform3iv(this.location, new Uint16Array(v));
2963         };
2964         break;
2965       case gl.INT_VEC4:
2966         this.func = function(v){
2967           gl.uniform4iv(this.location, new Uint16Array(v));
2968         };
2969         break;
2970       case gl.FLOAT:
2971         this.func = function(v){
2972           gl.uniform1f(this.location, v);
2973         };
2974         break;
2975       case gl.FLOAT_VEC2:
2976         this.func = function(v){
2977           gl.uniform2fv(this.location, new Float32Array(v));
2978         };
2979         break;
2980       case gl.FLOAT_VEC3:
2981         this.func = function(v){
2982           gl.uniform3fv(this.location, new Float32Array(v));
2983         };
2984         break;
2985       case gl.FLOAT_VEC4:
2986         this.func = function(v){
2987           gl.uniform4fv(this.location, new Float32Array(v));
2988         };
2989         break;
2990       case gl.FLOAT_MAT2:
2991         this.func = function(v){
2992           gl.uniformMatrix2fv(this.location, false, v.toFloat32Array());
2993         };
2994         break;
2995       case gl.FLOAT_MAT3:
2996         this.func = function(v){
2997           gl.uniformMatrix3fv(this.location, false, v.toFloat32Array());
2998         };
2999         break;
3000       case gl.FLOAT_MAT4:
3001         this.func = function(v){
3002           gl.uniformMatrix4fv(this.location, false, v.toFloat32Array());
3003         };
3004         break;
3005       default:
3006         throw {
3007           name: "UnknownUniformType",
3008           message: "The uniform variable type is unknown."
3009         };
3010     }
3011   };
3013   /**
3014    * Sets the value of this ProgramUniform.
3015    * @param {Object} v The value to set. 
3016    */
3017   ProgramUniform.prototype.setValue = function(v) {
3018     this.value = v;
3019     this.func(v);
3020   };
3022   /**
3023    * Get the value of this ProgramUniform.
3024    */
3025   ProgramUniform.prototype.getValue = function() {
3026     return this.value;
3027   };
3029   return ProgramUniform;
3031 }());
3033 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.webgl.ProgramSampler');
3035 BenchGL.webgl.ProgramSampler = (function() {
3037 	// Private properties and methods
3038 	var ProgramSampler;
3040   /**
3041    * Creates a new ProgramSampler.
3042    * @class Represents an sampler variable in a shader program.
3043    * @param {Program} program The program in wich the sampler lives.
3044    * @param {String} name The name of the sampler.
3045    * @param {Number} type The WebGL type of the sampler.
3046    * @param {Number} size The size of the attributes in bytes.
3047    * @param {Number} location The index location in the shader.   
3048    */   
3049   ProgramSampler = function(program, name, type, size, location) {
3050     this.program = program;
3051     this.name = name;
3052     this.type = type;
3053     this.size = size;
3054     this.location = location;
3055     this.unit = -1;		// The sampler unit for WebGL ( 0 < unit < 31 )
3056   };
3058   /**
3059    * Gets the unit of this ProgramSampler.
3060    */
3061   ProgramSampler.prototype.getUnit = function() {
3062     return this.unit;
3063   };
3065   /**
3066    * Sets the unit of this ProgramSampler.
3067    * @param {Number} n The unit to set. 
3068    */
3069   ProgramSampler.prototype.setUnit = function(n) {
3070     gl.uniform1i(this.location, n);
3071     this.unit = n;
3072   };
3074   return ProgramSampler;
3076 }());
3078 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.webgl.Program');
3080 BenchGL.webgl.Program = (function() {
3082 	// Dependencies
3083 	var Shader = BenchGL.webgl.Shader, 
3084       ProgramAttribute = BenchGL.webgl.ProgramAttribute,
3085       ProgramUniform = BenchGL.webgl.ProgramUniform,
3086       ProgramSampler = BenchGL.webgl.ProgramSampler,
3087       XHR = BenchGL.io.XHRequest,
3089       // Private properties and methods
3090       Program;
3092   /**
3093    * Creates a new Program.
3094    * @class Represents a shader program in the WebGL pipeline.
3095    * @param {Shader} vertex The vertex shader.
3096    * @param {Shader} fragment The fragment shader. 
3097    */
3098   Program = function(vertex, fragment) {
3099     var program = gl.createProgram(), 
3100     		valid = false, log = '';
3102     gl.attachShader(program, vertex.handler);
3103     gl.attachShader(program, fragment.handler);
3104     gl.linkProgram(program);
3106     valid = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS) !== 0;
3107     if (valid) {
3108       log += "Compiled succesfully!\n";
3109     }
3110     else {
3111       log += "Compilation error: ";
3112       log += gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
3113       log += "\n";
3114     }
3116     this.vertex = vertex;
3117     this.fragment = fragment;
3118     this.handler = program;
3119     this.valid = valid;
3120     this.log = log;
3122     this.attributes = {};
3123     this.uniforms = {};
3124     this.samplers = {};
3126     this.buffers = {};
3127     this.cachedBuffers = {};
3129     this.build();
3130   };
3132   /**
3133    * Builds up this Program, encapsulating WebGL entities in BenchGL versions.
3134    * @private
3135    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3136    */
3137   Program.prototype.build = function() {
3138     var program = this.handler, 
3139         attributes = this.attributes, 
3140         uniforms = this.uniforms, 
3141         samplers = this.samplers, 
3142         attributesCount = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_ATTRIBUTES), 
3143         uniformsCount = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.ACTIVE_UNIFORMS),
3144         a, u, location, attribute, uniform, sampler, i;
3146     for (i = 0; i < attributesCount; ++i) {
3147       a = gl.getActiveAttrib(program, i);
3148       if (a) {
3149         location = gl.getAttribLocation(program, a.name);
3150         attribute = new ProgramAttribute(this, a.name, a.type, a.size, location);
3151         attributes[a.name] = attribute;       
3152       }
3153     }
3155     for (i = 0; i < uniformsCount; ++i) {
3156       u = gl.getActiveUniform(program, i);
3157       if (u) {
3158         location = gl.getUniformLocation(program, u.name);
3159         if (u.type === gl.SAMPLER_2D || u.type === gl.SAMPLER_CUBE) {
3160           sampler = new ProgramSampler(this, u.name, u.type, u.size, location);
3161           samplers[u.name] = sampler;
3162         }
3163         else {
3164           uniform = new ProgramUniform(this, u.name, u.type, u.size, location);
3165           uniforms[u.name] = uniform;
3166         }
3167       }
3168     }
3170     return this;
3171   };
3173   /**
3174    * Sets the vertex shader for this Program.
3175    * @param {Shader} shader The vertex shader to set.
3176    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3177    */
3178   Program.prototype.setVertexShader = function(shader) {
3179     var program = this.handler,
3180         valid = false, 
3181         log = '';
3183     gl.detachShader(program, this.vertex.handler);
3184     gl.attachShader(program, shader.handler);
3185     gl.linkProgram(program);
3187     valid = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS) !== 0;
3188     if (valid) {
3189       log += "Recompiled succesfully!\n";
3190     }
3191     else {
3192       log += "Compilation error: ";
3193       log += gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
3194       log += "\n";
3195     }
3197     this.vertex = shader;
3198     this.valid = valid;
3199     this.log = log;
3200     this.attributes = {};
3201     this.uniforms = {};
3202     this.samplers = {};
3203     this.buffers = {};
3205     this.build();
3207     return this;
3208   };
3210   /**
3211    * Sets the fragment shader for this Program.
3212    * @param {Shader} shader The fragment shader to set.
3213    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3214    */  
3215   Program.prototype.setFragmentShader = function(shader) {
3216     var program = this.handler, 
3217         valid = false, 
3218         log = '';
3220     gl.detachShader(program, this.fragment.handler);
3221     gl.attachShader(program, shader.handler);
3222     gl.linkProgram(program);
3224     valid = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS) !== 0;
3225     if (valid) {
3226       log += "Recompiled succesfully!\n";
3227     }
3228     else {
3229       log += "Compilation error: ";
3230       log += gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
3231       log += "\n";
3232     }
3234     this.fragment = shader;
3235     this.valid = valid;
3236     this.log = log;
3237     this.attributes = {};
3238     this.uniforms = {};
3239     this.samplers = {};
3240     this.buffers = {};
3242     this.build();
3244     return this;
3245   };
3247   /**
3248    * Sets the shaders for this Program.
3249    * @param {Shader} vertex The vertex shader to set.
3250    * @param {Shader} fragment The fragment shader to set.
3251    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3252    */  
3253   Program.prototype.setShaders = function(vertex, fragment) {
3254     var program = this.handler, 
3255         valid = false, 
3256         log = '';
3258     gl.detachShader(program, this.vertex.handler);
3259     gl.detachShader(program, this.fragment.handler);
3260     gl.attachShader(program, vertex.handler);
3261     gl.attachShader(program, fragment.handler);
3262     gl.linkProgram(program);
3264     valid = gl.getProgramParameter(program, gl.LINK_STATUS) !== 0;
3265     if (valid) {
3266       log += "Recompiled succesfully!\n";
3267     }
3268     else {
3269       log += "Compilation error: ";
3270       log += gl.getProgramInfoLog(program);
3271       log += "\n";
3272     }
3274     this.vertex = vertex;
3275     this.fragment = fragment;
3276     this.valid = valid;
3277     this.log = log;
3278     this.attributes = {};
3279     this.uniforms = {};
3280     this.samplers = {};
3281     this.buffers = {};
3283     this.build();
3285     return this;
3286   };
3288   /**
3289    * Links this Program.
3290    */
3291   Program.prototype.link = function() {
3292     gl.linkProgram(this.handler);
3293   };
3295   /**
3296    * Destroys this Program.
3297    */
3298   Program.prototype.destroy = function() {
3299   	gl.deleteProgram(this.handler);
3300     this.vertex.destroy();
3301     this.fragment.destroy();
3302   };
3304   /**
3305    * Binds this Program as the current shader program in the WebGL pipeline.
3306    */
3307   Program.prototype.bind = function() {
3308     gl.useProgram(this.handler);
3309   };
3311   /**
3312    * Unbinds this Program as the current shader program in the WebGL pipeline.
3313    */  
3314   Program.prototype.unbind = function(){
3315     gl.useProgram(null);
3316   };
3318 	/**
3319 	 * Binds an attribute buffer in this Program.
3320 	 * @param {String} name The name of the attribute.
3321 	 * @param {Object} [options] The options for the attribute to bind. 
3322 	 * @param {Number} [options.attributeType] The WebGL attribute type. 
3323 	 * @param {Number} [options.dataType] The WebGL type of an element in the attribute buffer.
3324 	 * @param {Number} [options.drawType] The WebGL drawing mode. 
3325 	 * @param {Number} [options.size] The size of the attribute elements in bytes. 
3326 	 * @param {Number} [options.stride] The stride of the attribute buffer. 
3327 	 * @param {Number} [options.offset] The offset of the attribute buffer. 
3328 	 * @param {Object} [options.data] The attribute buffer data. 
3329    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3330 	 */
3331   Program.prototype.bindAttribute = function(name, options) {
3332     options = $.mix({
3333       attributeType : gl.ARRAY_BUFFER,
3334       dataType : gl.FLOAT,
3335       drawType : gl.STATIC_DRAW,
3336       size : 1,
3337       stride : 0,
3338       offset : 0
3339     }, this.cachedBuffers[name] || {}, options || {});
3341     var attributeName = options.name || name,
3342         attributeType = options.attributeType,
3343         dataType = options.dataType,
3344         drawType = options.drawType,
3345         size = options.size,
3346         stride = options.stride,
3347         offset = options.offset,
3348         data = options.data,
3349         hasBuffer = name in this.buffers,
3350         buffer = hasBuffer ? this.buffers[name] : gl.createBuffer(),
3351         hasData = 'data' in options,
3352         index = this.attributes[attributeName] && this.attributes[attributeName].getIndex(),
3353         isAttribute = index !== undefined;
3355     if (!hasBuffer) {
3356       this.buffers[name] = buffer;
3357       isAttribute && gl.enableVertexAttribArray(index);
3358     }
3360     gl.bindBuffer(attributeType, buffer);
3362     if (hasData) {
3363       gl.bufferData(attributeType, data, drawType);
3364     }
3366     isAttribute && gl.vertexAttribPointer(index, size, dataType, false, stride, offset);
3368     delete options.data;
3369     this.cachedBuffers[name] = options;
3371     return this;
3372   };
3374   /**
3375    * Binds all the attributes in this Program following a mapping.
3376    * @param {Object} mapping The mapping that specifies values for the attributes.
3377    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3378    */
3379   Program.prototype.bindAttributes = function(mapping) {
3380     for (var name in mapping) {
3381       this.bindAttribute(name, mapping[name]);
3382     }
3383     return this;
3384   };
3386 	/**
3387 	 * Binds an uniform variable in this Program.
3388 	 * @param {String} name The name of the uniform.
3389 	 * @param {Object} value The value for the uniform to bind.
3390    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3391 	 */
3392   Program.prototype.bindUniform = function(name, value) {
3393     if (this.uniforms[name]) {
3394       this.uniforms[name].setValue(value);
3395     }
3396     return this;
3397   }; 
3399   /**
3400    * Binds all the uniform variables in this Program following a mapping.
3401    * @param {Object} mapping The mapping that specifies values for the uniforms.
3402    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3403    */  
3404   Program.prototype.bindUniforms = function(mapping) {
3405     for (var name in mapping) {
3406       this.bindUniform(name, mapping[name]);
3407     }
3408     return this;
3409   };
3411 	/**
3412 	 * Binds a sampler variable to a unit in this Program.
3413 	 * @param {String} name The name of the sampler.
3414 	 * @param {Number} value The value for the unit to bind the sampler to.
3415    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3416 	 */  
3417   Program.prototype.bindSampler = function(name, value) {
3418     if (this.samplers[name]) {
3419       this.samplers[name].setUnit(value);
3420     }
3421     return this;
3422   };
3424   /**
3425    * Binds all the sampler variables in this Program following a mapping.
3426    * @param {Object} mapping The mapping that specifies units for the sampler.
3427    * @returns {Program} Returns this Program.
3428    */  
3429   Program.prototype.bindSamplers = function(mapping) {
3430     for (var name in mapping) {
3431       this.bindSampler(name, mapping[name]);
3432     }
3433     return this;
3434   };
3436   /**
3437    * Static factory method to generate a shader Program in different ways.
3438    * @static
3439    * @param {Object} options The options for creating the Program.
3440    * @returns {Program} A new Program.
3441    */
3442   Program.factory = function(options) {
3443     var type = (options && options.type) || 'defaults', 
3444         method = 'From' + $.capitalize(type);
3446     if (typeof Program[method] !== "function") {
3447       throw {
3448         name: "UnknownProgramType",
3449         message: "Type '" + method + "' does not exist."
3450       };
3451     }
3453     return Program[method](options);
3454   };
3456   /**
3457    * Static method to create a shader Program from shader's URLs.
3458    * @static
3459    * @param {Object} [options] The options for creating the Program.
3460    * @param {String} [options.vertex] The URL string for the vertex shader.
3461    * @param {String} [options.fragment] The URL string for the fragment shader.
3462    * @param {Function} [options.onSuccess] A callback to call in case of success.
3463    * @param {Function} [options.onError] A callback to call in case of failure.
3464    * @returns {Program} A new Program.
3465    */  
3466   Program.FromUrls = function(options) {
3467     options = $.mix({
3468       vertex: '',
3469       fragment: '',
3470       onSuccess: $.empty,
3471       onError: $.empty
3472     }, options || {});
3474     new XHR({
3475       url: options.vertex,
3476       onError: function(e){
3477         options.onError(e);
3478       },
3479       onSuccess: function(vs){
3480         new XHR({
3481           url: options.fragment,
3482           onError: function(e){
3483             options.onError(e);
3484           },
3485           onSuccess: function(fs){
3486             options.onSuccess(Program.FromSources({
3487               vertex: vs,
3488               fragment: fs
3489             }));
3490           }
3491         }).send();
3492       }
3493     }).send();
3494   };
3496   /**
3497    * Static method to create a shader Program from shader's scripts inside a webpage.
3498    * @static
3499    * @param {Object} [options] The options for creating the Program.
3500    * @param {String} options.vertex The HTML element containing the vertex shader.
3501    * @param {String} options.fragment The HTML elemente containing the fragment shader.
3502    * @returns {Program} A new Program.
3503    */    
3504   Program.FromScripts = function(options) {
3505     var vs = options.vertex, 
3506         fs = options.fragment, 
3507         vertex = new Shader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, $(vs).innerHTML), 
3508         fragment = new Shader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, $(fs).innerHTML);
3509     return new Program(vertex, fragment);
3510   };
3512   /**
3513    * Static method to create a shader Program from shader's sources.
3514    * @static
3515    * @param {Object} [options] The options for creating the Program.
3516    * @param {String} options.vertex The source string for the vertex shader.
3517    * @param {String} options.fragment The source string for the fragment shader.
3518    * @returns {Program} A new Program.
3519    */    
3520   Program.FromSources = function(options) {
3521     var vs = options.vertex, 
3522         fs = options.fragment, 
3523         vertex = new Shader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, vs), 
3524         fragment = new Shader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, fs);
3525     return new Program(vertex, fragment);
3526   };
3528   /**
3529    * Static method to create a shader Program from shader's default sources.
3530    * @static
3531    * @param {Object} [options] The options for creating the Program.
3532    * @param {String} [options.vertex='Deafult'] The id string for the vertex shader.
3533    * @param {String} [options.fragment='Default'] The id string for the fragment shader.
3534    * @returns {Program} A new Program.
3535    */   
3536   Program.FromDefaults = function(options){
3537     var vs = (options && $.capitalize(options.vertex)) || 'Default', 
3538         fs = (options && $.capitalize(options.fragment)) || 'Default', 
3539         vertex = new Shader(gl.VERTEX_SHADER, Shader.Vertex[vs]), 
3540         fragment = new Shader(gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER, Shader.Fragment[fs]);
3541     return new Program(vertex, fragment);
3542   };
3544   return Program;
3546 }());
3548 // model.js
3549 // Modeule drawing: Provides a Model object to create and manipulate shapes.
3551 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.drawing.Model');
3553 BenchGL.drawing.Model = (function() {
3555   // Dependencies
3556   var MatStack = BenchGL.math.MatrixStack,
3557       Mat = BenchGL.skin.Material,
3558       XHR = BenchGL.io.XHRequest,
3559       sin = Math.sin,
3560       cos = Math.cos,
3561       pi = Math.PI,
3562       id = 0,
3564       // Private properties and methods
3565       Model;
3567   /**
3568    * Creates a new Model.
3569    * @class	Represents a geometric model.
3570    * @param {Object} [options] Parameters to initialize the model.
3571    * @param {Number} [drawType] The WebGL primitive type.
3572    * @param {Boolean} [useColors] Use color on a per-vertex basis.
3573    * @param {Boolean} [dynamic] Avoid caching model's geometry.
3574    * @param {Number[]} [colors=[1, 1, 1, 1]] The per-vertex color.     
3575    */
3576   Model = function(options) {
3577     options = $.mix({
3578       drawType : gl.TRIANGLES,
3579       useColors : true,
3580       dynamic : true,
3581       colors : [1, 1, 1, 1]
3582     }, options || {});
3584     this.id = options.id || id++;
3585     this.drawType = options.drawType;
3586     this.useColors = options.useColors;
3587     this.dynamic = options.dynamic;
3588     this.vertices = options.vertices;
3589     this.normals = options.normals;
3590     this.texcoords = options.texcoords;
3591     this.colors = options.colors;
3592     this.indices = options.indices;
3594     this.material = new Mat();
3595     this.uniforms = {};
3596     this.textures = [];
3598     this.matrixStack = new MatStack();
3600     if (this.useColors) {
3601       this.normalizeColors();
3602     }
3603   };
3605   /**
3606    * Gets the model matrix associated to this Model.
3607    * @returns {Matrix4} A matrix representing the position of this Model in the scene.
3608    */
3609   Model.prototype.matrix = function() {
3610   	return this.matrixStack.top();
3611   };
3613   /**
3614    * Resets the matrix of this Model.
3615    */
3616   Model.prototype.reset = function() {
3617     this.matrixStack.loadIdentity();
3618   };
3620   /**
3621    * Translates this Model through its matrix.
3622    * @param {Number} x The x-axis translation component.
3623    * @param {Number} y The y-axis translation component.
3624    * @param {Number} z The z-axis translation component.
3625    */
3626   Model.prototype.translate = function(x, y, z) {
3627     this.matrixStack.translate(x, y, z);
3628   };
3630   /**
3631    * Scales this Model through its matrix.
3632    * @param {Number} x The x-axis scale factor.
3633    * @param {Number} y The y-axis scale factor.
3634    * @param {Number} z The z-axis scale factor.
3635    */  
3636   Model.prototype.scale = function(x, y, z) {
3637     this.matrixStack.scale(x, y, z);
3638   };
3640   /**
3641    * Rotates this Model through its matrix.
3642    * @param {Number} angle The rotation angle. 
3643    * @param {Number} x The x component of the rotation axis.
3644    * @param {Number} y The y component of the rotation axis.
3645    * @param {Number} z The z component of the rotation axis.
3646    */  
3647   Model.prototype.rotate = function(angle, x, y, z) {
3648     this.matrixStack.rotate(angle, x, y, z);
3649   };
3651   /**
3652    * Rotates this Model (around the X, Y and Z axis) through its matrix.
3653    * @param {Number} rx The rotation angle around X axis.
3654    * @param {Number} ry The rotation angle around Y axis.
3655    * @param {Number} rz The rotation angle around Z axis
3656    */    
3657   Model.prototype.rotateXYZ = function(rx, ry, rz) {
3658     this.matrixStack.rotateXYZ(rx, ry, rz);
3659   };  
3661   /**
3662    * Normalizes the per-vertex color to all vertices in this Model.
3663    */   
3664   Model.prototype.normalizeColors = function() {
3665     if (!this.vertices) return;
3667     var colors = this.colors,
3668         totalLength = this.vertices.length * 4 / 3,
3669         count = totalLength / colors.length,
3670         result = new Float32Array(totalLength);
3672     if (colors.length < totalLength) {
3673       while (count--) {
3674         result.set(colors, count * colors.length);
3675       }
3676       this.colors = result;
3677     }    
3678   };
3680   /**
3681     * Sets the texture for this Model.
3682     * @param {String[]} arguments The textures' names.
3683     */ 
3684   Model.prototype.setTextures = function() {
3685     var textures = this.textures;
3686     for (var i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i ++) {
3687       textures.push(arguments[i]);
3688     }
3689   };
3691 	/**
3692 	 * Sets the material ambient color of this Model.
3693 	 * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
3694 	 * @param {Number} g The red component of the color.
3695 	 * @param {Number} b The red component of the color.
3696 	 */
3697   Model.prototype.setMaterialAmbient = function(r, g, b) {
3698     this.material.setAmbient(r, g, b);
3699   };
3701 	/**
3702 	 * Sets the material diffuse color of this Model.
3703 	 * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
3704 	 * @param {Number} g The red component of the color.
3705 	 * @param {Number} b The red component of the color.
3706 	 */    
3707   Model.prototype.setMaterialDiffuse = function(r, g, b) {
3708     this.material.setDiffuse(r, g, b);    
3709   };
3711 	/**
3712 	 * Sets the material specular color of this Model.
3713 	 * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
3714 	 * @param {Number} g The red component of the color.
3715 	 * @param {Number} b The red component of the color.
3716 	 */  
3717   Model.prototype.setMaterialSpecular = function(r, g, b) {
3718     this.material.setSpecular(r, g, b);    
3719   };
3721 	/**
3722 	 * Sets the material emissive color of this Model.
3723 	 * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
3724 	 * @param {Number} g The red component of the color.
3725 	 * @param {Number} b The red component of the color.
3726 	 */   
3727   Model.prototype.setMaterialEmissive = function(r, g, b) {
3728     this.material.setEmissive(r, g, b);    
3729   };
3731 	/**
3732 	 * Sets the material shininess of this Model.
3733 	 * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
3734 	 * @param {Number} g The red component of the color.
3735 	 * @param {Number} b The red component of the color.
3736 	 */ 
3737   Model.prototype.setMaterialShininess = function(shininess) {
3738     this.material.setShininess(shininess);
3739   };   
3741   /**
3742    * Sets custom property to this Model to bind to a uniform value in a shader program.
3743    * @param {String} name The name of the uniform variable to bind the property.
3744    * @param {Object} value The value of the property to set.
3745    */
3746   Model.prototype.setUniform = function(name, value) {
3747     this.uniforms[name] = value;
3748   };
3750   /**
3751    * Binds the vertices of this Model to a shader Program.
3752    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the vertices.
3753    * @param {Boolean} [update] Avoid using cached vertices.
3754    */
3755   Model.prototype.bindVertices = function(program, update) {
3756     if (!this.vertices) return;
3758     if (update || this.dynamic) {
3759       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-vertices', {
3760         name: 'a_position',
3761         data: new Float32Array(this.vertices),
3762         size: 3
3763       });
3764     } else {
3765       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-vertices');
3766     }
3767   };
3769   /**
3770    * Binds the normals of this Model to a shader Program.
3771    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the normals.
3772    * @param {Boolean} [update] Avoid using cached normals.
3773    */  
3774   Model.prototype.bindNormals = function(program, update) {
3775     if (!this.normals) return;
3777     if (update || this.dynamic) {
3778       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-normals', {
3779         name : 'a_normal',
3780         data : new Float32Array(this.normals),
3781         size : 3
3782       });          
3783     } else {
3784       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-normals');
3785     }
3786   };
3788   /**
3789    * Binds the texture coordinates of this Model to a shader Program.
3790    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the texture coordinates.
3791    * @param {Boolean} [update] Avoid using cached texture coordinates.
3792    */    
3793   Model.prototype.bindTexcoords = function(program, update) {
3794     if (!this.texcoords) return;
3796     if (update || this.dynamic) {
3797       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-texcoords', {
3798         name: 'a_texcoord',
3799         data: new Float32Array(this.texcoords),
3800         size: 2
3801       });
3802     } else {
3803       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-texcoords');
3804     }
3805   };
3807   /**
3808    * Binds the colors of this Model to a shader Program.
3809    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the colors.
3810    * @param {Boolean} [update] Avoid using cached colors.
3811    */ 
3812   Model.prototype.bindColors = function(program, update) {
3813     if (!this.colors || !this.useColors) return;
3815     if (update || this.dynamic) {
3816       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-colors', {
3817         name : 'a_color',
3818         data: new Float32Array(this.colors),
3819         size: 4
3820       });
3821     } else {
3822       program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-colors');
3823     }
3824   };
3826   /**
3827    * Binds the indices of this Model to a shader Program.
3828    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the indices.
3829    * @param {Boolean} [update] Avoid using cached indices.
3830    */    
3831   Model.prototype.bindIndices = function(program, update) {
3832     if (!this.indices) return;
3834     if (update || this.dynamic) {
3835 	    program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-indices', {
3836 	      attributeType : gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER,
3837 	      data : new Uint16Array(this.indices),
3838 	    });
3839     } else {
3840     	program.bindAttribute(this.id + '-indices');
3841     }
3842   };
3844   /**
3845    * Binds the custom properties of this Model to their uniforms variable.
3846    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the properties.
3847    */
3848   Model.prototype.bindUniforms = function(program) {
3849     program.bindUniforms(this.uniforms);
3850   };
3852   /**
3853    * Binds the material properties of this Model to their uniforms variable.
3854    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the properties.
3855    */  
3856   Model.prototype.bindMaterial = function(program) {
3857     var material = this.material,
3858         uniforms = {};
3860     uniforms.u_matAmbient = material.ambient.toRGBAArray();
3861     uniforms.u_matDiffuse = material.diffuse.toRGBAArray();
3862     uniforms.u_matSpecular = material.specular.toRGBAArray();
3863     uniforms.u_matEmissive = material.emissive.toRGBAArray();
3864     uniforms.u_matShininess = material.shininess;
3866     program.bindUniforms(uniforms);
3867   };
3869   /**
3870    * Binds the textures with this Model to their sampler variable.
3871    * @param {Program} program The program to bind the properties.
3872    * @param {Texture[]} texture The previously loaded textures.
3873    */  
3874   Model.prototype.bindTextures = function(program, textures) {
3875     var names = this.textures;
3876     for (i = 0, l = names.length; i < l; i++) {
3877       var texture = textures[names[i]];
3878       if (texture) {
3879         program.bindUniform('u_useTexture' + i, true);
3880         program.bindSamplers('tex' + i, i);
3881         texture.bind(i);
3882       }
3883     }
3884     this.textures = [];
3885   };
3887   /**
3888    * Draws this Model.
3889    */
3890   Model.prototype.draw = function() {
3891     if (this.indices) {
3892       // Draw the model with as an indexed vertex array
3893       gl.drawElements(this.drawType, this.indices.length, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, 0);
3894     } else if (this.vertices) {
3895       // Draw the model with as a simple flat vertex array
3896       gl.drawArrays(this.drawType, 0, this.vertices.length / 3);
3897     }
3898   };
3900   /**
3901    * Static factory method to generate different kinds of Models.
3902    * @static
3903    * @param {Number} type The type of Model to create.
3904    * @param {Object} options.
3905    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
3906    */
3907   Model.factory = function(type, options) {
3908     type = $.capitalize(type);
3910     if (typeof Model[type] !== "function") {
3911       throw {
3912         name: "UnknownModelType",
3913         message: "Method '" + type + "' does not exist."
3914       };
3915     }
3917     return Model[type](options);
3918   };
3920   /**
3921    * Static method to generate a triangle Model.
3922    * @static
3923    * @param {Object} [options] Contains geometric model data.
3924    * @param {Number[]} [options.vertices] Contains geometric vertices data.
3925    * @param {Number[]} [options.normals] Contains geometric normals data.
3926    * @param {Number[]} [options.texcoords] Contains texture coordinates data.
3927    * @param {Number[]} [options.colors] Contains colors data.
3928    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
3929    */  
3930   Model.Triangle = function(options) {
3931     return new Model($.mix({
3932       vertices: [0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0],
3933       normals: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
3934       texcoords: [1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
3935       colors: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
3936     }, options || {}));
3937   };
3939   /**
3940    * Static method to generate a rectangle Model.
3941    * @static
3942    * @param {Object} [options] Contains geometric model data.
3943    * @param {Number[]} [options.vertices] Contains geometric vertices data.
3944    * @param {Number[]} [options.normals] Contains geometric normals data.
3945    * @param {Number[]} [options.texcoords] Contains texture coordinates data.
3946    * @param {Number[]} [options.colors] Contains colors data.
3947    * @param {Number[]} [options.indices] Contains indices data.
3948    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
3949    */
3950   Model.Rectangle = function(options) {
3951     return new Model($.mix({
3952       vertices: [-1, -1, 0, 1, -1, 0, -1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0],
3953       normals: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1],
3954       texcoords: [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1],
3955       colors: [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
3956       indices: [0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2]
3957     }, options || {}));
3958   };
3960   /**
3961    * Static method to generate a circle Model.
3962    * @static
3963    * @param {Object} [options] Contains parameters to generate a circle.
3964    * @param {Number[]} [options.slices] The circle's approximation slices.
3965    * @param {Number[]} [options.radius] The circle's radius.
3966    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
3967    */  
3968   Model.Circle = function(options) {
3969     var n = (options) ? options.slices || 16 : 16, 
3970         r = (options) ? options.radius || 1 : 1, 
3971         vertexCoords = [0, 0, 0], 
3972         normalCoords = [0, 0, 1], 
3973         textureCoords = [0.5, 0.5],
3974         i, angle, x, y, u, v;
3976     for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
3977       angle = pi * i / n;
3978       x = r * cos(angle);
3979       y = r * sin(angle);
3980       u = (cos(angle) + 1) * 0.5;
3981       v = (sin(angle) + 1) * 0.5;
3983       vertexCoords.push(x);
3984       vertexCoords.push(y);
3985       vertexCoords.push(0);
3986       normalCoords.push(0);
3987       normalCoords.push(0);
3988       normalCoords.push(1);
3989       textureCoords.push(u);
3990       textureCoords.push(v);
3991     }
3993     return new Model($.mix({
3994       drawType : gl.TRIANGLE_FAN,
3995       vertices: vertexCoords,
3996       normals: normalCoords,
3997       texcoords: textureCoords,
3998       colors: [1, 1, 1, 1]
3999     }, options || {}));
4000   };
4002   /**
4003    * Static method to generate a cube Model.
4004    * @static
4005    * @param {Object} [options] Contains geometric model data.
4006    * @param {Number[]} [options.vertices] Contains geometric vertices data.
4007    * @param {Number[]} [options.normals] Contains geometric normals data.
4008    * @param {Number[]} [options.texcoords] Contains texture coordinates data.
4009    * @param {Number[]} [options.colors] Contains colors data.
4010    * @param {Number[]} [options.indices] Contains indices data.
4011    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
4012    */  
4013   Model.Cube = function(options) {
4014     return new Model($.mix({
4015       vertices: [
4016       -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1,
4017       -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1,
4018       -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1,
4019       -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, -1, -1, 1,
4020       1, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 1,
4021       -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1, -1],
4022       normals: [
4023       0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1,
4024       0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1,
4025       0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
4026       0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0,
4027       1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
4028       -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0],
4029       texcoords: [
4030       0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1,
4031       1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
4032       0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1,
4033       1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
4034       1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0,
4035       0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 ],
4036       colors: [
4037       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4038       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4039       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4040       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4041       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4042       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1],
4043       indices: [0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 20, 22, 23]
4044     }, options || {}));
4045   };
4047   /**
4048    * Static method to generate a pyramid Model.
4049    * @static
4050    * @param {Object} [options] Contains geometric model data.
4051    * @param {Number[]} [options.vertices] Contains geometric vertices data.
4052    * @param {Number[]} [options.normals] Contains geometric normals data.
4053    * @param {Number[]} [options.texcoords] Contains texture coordinates data.
4054    * @param {Number[]} [options.colors] Contains colors data.
4055    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
4056    */  
4057   Model.Pyramid = function(options) {
4058     return new Model($.mix({
4059       vertices: [
4060       0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1,
4061       0, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
4062       0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1,
4063       0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1],
4064       normals: [
4065       0, 1, 0, -1, -1, 1, 1, -1, 1,
4066       0, 1, 0, 1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1,
4067       0, 1, 0, 1, -1, 1, 1, -1, -1,
4068       0, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1],
4069       texcoords: [
4070       1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
4071       1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
4072       1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0,
4073       1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0],
4074       colors: [
4075       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4076       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4077       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
4078       1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
4079     }, options || {}));
4080   };
4082   /**
4083    * Static method to generate a sphere Model.
4084    * @static
4085    * @param {Object} [options] Contains parameters to generate a sphere.
4086    * @param {Number[]} [options.slices] The sphere's approximation slices.
4087    * @param {Number[]} [options.slices] The sphere's approximation slices.
4088    * @param {Number[]} [options.radius] The sphere's radius.
4089    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
4090    */
4091   Model.Sphere = function(options) {
4092     var n = (options) ? options.slices || 32 : 32, 
4093         m = (options) ? options.stacks || 32 : 32, 
4094         r = (options) ? options.radius || 1.0 : 1.0, 
4095         vertexCoords = [], 
4096         normalCoords = [],
4097         textureCoords = [], 
4098         indices = [],
4099         pi2 = pi * 2,
4100         i, j, theta, phi, sint, cost, sinp, cosp,
4101         x, y, z, u, v, first, second;
4103     for (i = 0; i <= n; i++) {
4104       theta = pi * i / n;
4105       sint = sin(theta);
4106       cost = cos(theta);
4107       for (j = 0; j <= m; j++) {
4108         phi = pi2 * j / m;
4109         sinp = sin(phi);
4110         cosp = cos(phi);
4111         x = r * sint * cosp;
4112         y = r * cost;
4113         z = r * sint * sinp;
4114         u = 1 - j / m;
4115         v = 1 - i / n;
4117         vertexCoords.push(x);
4118         vertexCoords.push(y);
4119         vertexCoords.push(z);
4120         normalCoords.push(x);
4121         normalCoords.push(y);
4122         normalCoords.push(z);
4123         textureCoords.push(u);
4124         textureCoords.push(v);
4125       }
4126     }
4128     for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
4129       for (j = 0; j < m; j++) {
4130         first = i * (m + 1) + j;
4131         second = first + m + 1;
4133         indices.push(first);
4134         indices.push(second);
4135         indices.push(first + 1);
4136         indices.push(second);
4137         indices.push(second + 1);
4138         indices.push(first + 1);
4139       }
4140     }
4142     return new Model($.mix({
4143       vertices: vertexCoords,
4144       normals: normalCoords,
4145       texcoords: textureCoords,
4146       colors: [1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0],
4147       indices: indices
4148     }, options || {}));
4149   };
4151   /**
4152    * Static method to load a Model from a JSON file.
4153    * @static
4154    * @param {Object} [options] Options for creating the Model.
4155    * @param {String} [options.url] The URL of the JSON file..
4156    * @param {Object} [options.model] Contains model options.
4157    * @returns {Model} A new instance of Model.
4158    */    
4159   Model.Json = function(options) {
4160     var modelOptions = options.model,
4161         model;
4163     new XHR({
4164       url: options.url,
4165       async: false,
4166       onSuccess: function(response){
4167         var json = JSON.parse(response), 
4168             options = $.mix({
4169               vertices: json.vertexPositions,
4170               normals: json.vertexNormals,
4171               texcoords: json.vertexTextureCoords,
4172               indices: json.indices
4173             }, modelOptions || {});
4175         model = new Model(options);
4176       }
4177     }).send();
4179     return model;
4180   };
4182   return Model;
4184 }());
4186 // renderer.js
4187 // Module drawing: Implements the core of the rendering engine.
4189 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.drawing.SinglePassRenderingStrategy');
4191 BenchGL.drawing.SinglePassRenderingStrategy = (function() {
4193 	var SinglePassRenderingStrategy;
4195 	/**
4196 	 * Creates a new SinglePassRenderingStrategy.
4197 	 * @class Represent the first-pass rendering algorithm.
4198 	 * @param {Renderer} renderer A reference to the Renderer performing the algorithm.
4199 	 */
4200 	SinglePassRenderingStrategy = function(renderer) {
4201 		this.renderer = renderer;
4202 	};
4204 	/**
4205 	 * Setups camera uniforms in the current shader program.
4206 	 */
4207   SinglePassRenderingStrategy.prototype.setupCamera = function() {
4208     var program = this.renderer.program,
4209         camera = this.renderer.camera;
4211     program.bindUniform('u_projectionMatrix', camera.projMatrix());
4212     program.bindUniform('u_viewMatrix', camera.viewMatrix());
4213   };
4215 	/**
4216 	 * Setups lights uniforms in the current shader program.
4217 	 */  
4218   SinglePassRenderingStrategy.prototype.setupLights = function(){
4219     var uniforms = {},
4220         index = 0, l, light;
4222     uniforms.u_enableLighting = this.renderer.useLighting;
4223     uniforms.u_ambientColor = this.renderer.ambientColor.toRGBArray();
4224     uniforms.u_directionalColor = this.renderer.directionalColor.toRGBArray();
4225     uniforms.u_lightingDirection = this.renderer.lightingDirection.toArray();
4227     for (l in this.renderer.lights) {
4228       light = this.renderer.lights[l];
4229       uniforms['u_enableLight' + (index + 1)] = light.active;
4230       uniforms['u_lightPosition' + (index + 1)] = light.position.toArray();
4231       uniforms['u_lightColor' + (index + 1)] = light.diffuse.toRGBArray();
4232       uniforms['u_lightSpecularColor' + (index + 1)] = light.specular.toRGBArray();
4233       index++;
4234     }
4236     this.renderer.program.bindUniforms(uniforms);
4237   };
4239 	/**
4240 	 * Setups texture uniforms in the current shader program.
4241 	 */  
4242   SinglePassRenderingStrategy.prototype.setupTextures = function() {
4243     this.renderer.program.bindUniform('u_enableTexturing', this.renderer.useTexturing);
4244   };
4246 	/**
4247 	 * Setups special effects uniforms in the current shader program.
4248 	 */  
4249   SinglePassRenderingStrategy.prototype.setupEffects = function() {
4250     var effects = this.renderer.effects,
4251         uniforms = {}, 
4252         e, effect, p, property, value;
4254     for (e in effects) {
4255       effect = effects[e];
4256       for (p in effect) {
4257         property = p.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + p.slice(1);
4258         value = effect[p];
4259         uniforms['u_' + e + property] = value;
4260       }
4261     }
4263     this.renderer.program.bindUniforms(uniforms);
4264   };	
4266 	/**
4267 	 * Renders a model.
4268 	 * @param {Model} model The model to render. 
4269 	 */	
4270 	SinglePassRenderingStrategy.prototype.renderModel = function(model) {
4271     var program = this.renderer.program,
4272         camera = this.renderer.camera,
4273         textures = this.renderer.textures,
4274         modelView, i, l, texture;
4276   	model.bindVertices(program);
4277   	model.bindNormals(program);
4278   	model.bindTexcoords(program);
4279   	model.bindColors(program);
4280   	model.bindIndices(program);
4282     model.bindMaterial(program);
4283     model.bindUniforms(program);
4284     model.bindTextures(program, textures);
4286     // Set modelView and normal matrices
4287     modelView = camera.modelViewMatrix().multiplyMat4(model.matrix());
4288     program.bindUniform('u_modelViewMatrix', modelView);
4289     program.bindUniform('u_normalMatrix', modelView.invert().$transpose());    
4291     model.draw();	
4292 	};
4294 	/**
4295 	 * Renders all the models registered to the Renderer.
4296 	 */	
4297 	SinglePassRenderingStrategy.prototype.renderAll = function() {
4298     this.setupCamera();
4299     this.setupLights();
4300     this.setupTextures();
4301     this.setupEffects();
4303     for (var i = 0, l = this.renderer.models.length; i < l; i++) {
4304       this.renderModel(this.renderer.models[i]);
4305     }   	
4306 	};
4308 	return SinglePassRenderingStrategy;
4310 }());
4312 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.drawing.Renderer');
4314 BenchGL.drawing.Renderer = (function() {
4316 	// Dependencies
4317   var Vec3 = BenchGL.math.Vector3,
4318       Mat4 = BenchGL.math.Matrix4,
4319       Color = BenchGL.skin.Color, 
4320       Material = BenchGL.skin.Material, 
4321       Light = BenchGL.skin.Light, 
4322       Texture = BenchGL.skin.Texture, 
4323       TextureRequest = BenchGL.io.TextureRequest,
4324       SinglePassRenderingStrategy = BenchGL.drawing.SinglePassRenderingStrategy,
4326       // Private properties and methods 
4327       Renderer;
4329   /**
4330    * Creates a new Renderer.
4331    * @class Represents the rendering engine in BenchGL.
4332    * @param {Program} program The current active shader program.
4333    * @param {Camera} camera The camera holding the point of view over the world.
4334    * @param {Object} effects Contains special effects' specifications. 
4335    */
4336   Renderer = function(program, camera, effects) {
4337     this.program = program;
4338     this.camera = camera;
4339     this.effects = effects;
4341     // Rendering strategy
4342     this.strategy = new SinglePassRenderingStrategy(this);
4344     // Background and current color
4345     this.clearColor = new Color(0, 0, 0, 1);
4347     // Textures
4348     this.useTexturing = false;
4349     this.textures = {};
4351     // Ambient Light
4352     this.ambientColor = new Color(0.2, 0.2, 0.2);
4354     // Lights
4355     this.useLighting = false;
4356     this.directionalColor = new Color(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);
4357     this.lightingDirection = new Vec3(0.0, 0.0, -1.0);
4358     this.lights = {};
4360     // Saved models
4361     this.models = [];
4362   };
4364   /**
4365    * Clear the background.
4366    */
4367   Renderer.prototype.background = function(r, g, b, a) {
4368     var color = this.clearColor;
4370    	gl.clearColor(r || color.r, g || color.g, b || color.b, a || color.a);
4371     gl.clear(gl.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | gl.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT);
4372     gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
4373   };
4375   /**
4376    * Switches lighting.
4377    * @param {Boolean} lighting True to enable lighting, else otherwise.
4378    */
4379   Renderer.prototype.useLights = function(lighting) {
4380     this.useLighting = lighting;
4381   };
4383   /**
4384    * Switches texturing.
4385    * @param {Boolean} texturing True to enable texturing, else otherwise.
4386    */  
4387   Renderer.prototype.useTextures = function(texturing) {
4388     this.useTexturing = texturing;
4389   };
4391   /**
4392    * Switches alpha-blending.
4393    * @param {Boolean} blending True to enable blending, else otherwise.
4394    * @param {Object} [options] Contain info over about blending functions.
4395    */    
4396   Renderer.prototype.useAlphaBlending = function(blending, options) {
4397     options = $.mix({
4398       src: gl.SRC_ALPHA,
4399       dest: gl.ONE
4400     }, options || {});
4402     if (blending) {
4403       gl.blendFunc(gl.SRC_ALPHA, gl.ONE);
4404       gl.enable(gl.BLEND);
4405       gl.disable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
4406     } else {
4407       gl.disable(gl.BLEND);
4408       gl.enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST);
4409     }
4410   };
4412   /**
4413    * Sets the clear color for the backgrond.
4414    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
4415    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
4416    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
4417    * @param {Number} a The alpha component of the color.
4418    */
4419   Renderer.prototype.setClearColor = function(r, g, b, a) {
4420     this.clearColor = new Color(r, g, b, a);
4421   };
4423   /**
4424    * Sets the world ambient color.
4425    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
4426    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
4427    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
4428    * @param {Number} a The alpha component of the color.
4429    */  
4430   Renderer.prototype.setAmbientColor = function(r, g, b, a) {
4431     this.ambientColor = new Color(r, g, b, a);
4432   };
4434   /**
4435    * Sets the world directional light color.
4436    * @param {Number} r The red component of the color.
4437    * @param {Number} g The green component of the color.
4438    * @param {Number} b The blue component of the color.
4439    * @param {Number} a The alpha component of the color.
4440    */    
4441   Renderer.prototype.setDirectionalColor = function(r, g, b, a) {
4442     this.directionalColor = new Color(r, g, b, a);
4443   };
4445   /**
4446    * Sets the world directional light vector.
4447    * @param {Number} x The x component of the vector.
4448    * @param {Number} y The y component of the vector.
4449    * @param {Number} z The z component of the vector.
4450    */   
4451   Renderer.prototype.setLightingDirection = function(x, y, z) {
4452     this.lightingDirection = new Vec3(x, y, z).$unit();
4453   };
4455   /**
4456    * Adds a light.
4457    * @param {String} name The name for the light.
4458    * @param {Object} options Contains information about the light.
4459    */   
4460   Renderer.prototype.addLight = function(name, options) {
4461     this.lights[name] = new Light(options);
4462   };
4464   /**
4465    * Adds a single texture.
4466    * @param {String} name The name for the texture.
4467    * @param {Object} options Contains information about the texture.
4468    */  
4469   Renderer.prototype.addTexture = function(name, options) {
4470     this.textures[name] = new Texture(options);
4471   };
4473   /**
4474    * Adds multiple textures.
4475    * @param {Object} options Contains information about the textures to load.
4476    */  
4477   Renderer.prototype.addTextures = function(options) {
4478   	var myself = this;
4480     new TextureRequest(options).send(function(name, options) {
4481     	myself.addTexture(name, options);
4482     });
4483   };
4485   /**
4486    * Adds models to this Renderer.
4487    * @param {Object} arguments The models to load.
4488    */
4489   Renderer.prototype.addModels = function() {
4490     var models = this.models,
4491         i, l, model;
4493     for (i = 0, l = arguments.length; i < l; i++) {
4494       model = arguments[i];
4495       models.push(model);
4497       model.bindVertices(this.program, true);
4498       model.bindNormals(this.program, true);
4499       model.bindTexcoords(this.program, true);
4500       model.bindColors(this.program, true);
4501       model.bindIndices(this.program, true);
4502     }
4503   };
4505 	/**
4506 	 * Setups camera uniforms in the current shader program.
4507 	 */  
4508   Renderer.prototype.setupCamera = function() {
4509     this.strategy.setupCamera();
4510   };
4512 	/**
4513 	 * Setups lights uniforms in the current shader program.
4514 	 */    
4515   Renderer.prototype.setupLights = function() {
4516     this.strategy.setupLights();
4517   };
4519 	/**
4520 	 * Setups lights uniforms in the current shader program.
4521 	 */   
4522   Renderer.prototype.setupTextures = function() {
4523     this.strategy.setupTextures();
4524   };
4526 	/**
4527 	 * Setups special effects uniforms in the current shader program.
4528 	 */    
4529   Renderer.prototype.setupEffects = function() {
4530     this.strategy.setupTextures();
4531   };
4533 	/**
4534 	 * Renders a model.
4535 	 * @param {Model} model The model to render. 
4536 	 */	  
4537   Renderer.prototype.renderModel = function(model) {
4538     this.strategy.renderModel(model);
4539   };
4541 	/**
4542 	 * Renders all the models registered to the Renderer.
4543 	 */	 
4544   Renderer.prototype.renderAll = function() {
4545     this.strategy.renderAll(); 
4546   };
4548   return Renderer;
4550 }());
4552 // webgl.js
4554 BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.webgl.WebGL');
4556 BenchGL.webgl.WebGL = (function() {
4558 	// Private properties and methods 
4559 	var WebGL;
4561 	/**
4562 	 * The WebGL container.
4563 	 * @class Represents a container for the static method that retrieves a WebGL context.
4564 	 */
4565 	WebGL = {};
4567 	/**
4568 	 * Tries to retrieve a WebGL, if availale.
4569 	 * @param {String|HTMLCanvasElement} The canvas id or element to leverage.
4570 	 * @param {Object} Options for creating the context.
4571 	 * @returns {WebGLRenderingContext} A WebGL rendering context or null if not available.
4572 	 */
4573 	WebGL.getContext = function(canvas, options) {
4574 		var canvas = typeof canvas === "string" ? $(canvas) : canvas,
4575 				options = options || {},
4576 				gl = canvas.getContext('experimental-webgl', options);
4578 		if (!gl) {
4579 			gl = canvas.getContext('webgl', options);
4580 		}
4582 		return gl;
4583 	};
4585 	return WebGL;
4587 }());
4588 // core.js
4589 // The core module provides the main entry point for the library.
4591 //BenchGL.namespace('BenchGL.core.Engine');
4593 BenchGL.Engine = (function() {
4595 	// Dependencies
4596 	var WebGL = BenchGL.webgl.WebGL,
4597 			Program = BenchGL.webgl.Program,
4598 			Canvas = BenchGL.ui.Canvas,
4599 			Camera = BenchGL.ui.Camera,
4600 			Renderer = BenchGL.drawing.Renderer,
4601 			instance,
4603 			// Private properties
4604 			Engine,
4606 			/**
4607 			 * @ignore
4608 			 */
4609 			start = function(program, canvas, camera, effects, callback, debug) {
4610 	    	// Binds the loaded program for rendering
4611 	      program.bind();
4613 	      // Create a renderer
4614 	      renderer = new Renderer(program, camera, effects);
4616 	      if (debug) {
4617 	      	gl.setTracing(true);
4618 	      }
4620 	      // Call the application with library handlers references 
4621 	      callback({
4622 	        gl: gl,
4623 	        canvas: canvas,
4624 	        program: program,
4625 	        camera: camera,
4626 	        renderer: renderer
4627 	      });
4629 	      if (debug) {
4630 	      	gl.setTracing(false);
4631 	      }    
4632     	};
4634 	/**
4635 	 * Creates an instance of BenchGL. 
4636 	 * @class Provides an entry point for BenchGL library.
4637 	 * @param {String} canvasId The id of the canvas that WebGL exploits.
4638 	 * @param {Object} [options] General options for initializing the library.
4639 	 * @param {Object} [options.context] The options for the WebGL context.
4640 	 * @param {Object} [options.program] The options for the shader program.
4641 	 * @param {String} [options.program.type='defaults'] The type of shader program.
4642 	 * @param {String} [options.program.vertex] The vertex shader source.
4643 	 * @param {String} [options.program.fragment] The fragmente shader source.
4644 	 * @param {String} [options.camera] The options for the camera.
4645 	 * @param {Number} [options.camera.fovy=45] The field of view angle for the camera.
4646 	 * @param {Number} [options.camera.near=0.1] The near clipping plane for the camera.
4647 	 * @param {Number} [options.camera.far=100] The far clipping plane for the camera.
4648 	 * @param {Object} [effects] Special effects for the rendering engine. 
4649 	 * @param {Object} [events] Functions to eventually handle user events.
4650 	 * @param {Boolean} [debug=false] Is debug active?
4651 	 * @param {Function} [onError] Callback function to call on errors.
4652 	 * @param {Function} [onLoad] Callback function to call after loading succesfully. 
4653 	 */
4654   Engine = function(canvasId, options) {
4655   	if (instance) {
4656   		return instance;
4657   	}
4659   	instance = this;
4661     options = $.mix({
4662       context: {},
4663       program: {
4664         type: 'defaults'	// {defaults|urls|scripts|sources}
4665       },
4666       camera: {
4667         fovy: 45,
4668         near: 0.1,
4669         far: 100
4670       },
4671       effects: {
4672       	/* 
4673       	Example:
4675       	fog : {
4676       		active : true,
4677       		color : [0.5, 0.5, 0.5],
4678       		near : 	10,
4679       		far : 100
4680       	}
4682       	*/      	
4683       },
4684       events: {
4685       	/* 
4686       	Example:
4688       	onKeyDown : function() { ... },
4689       	onMouseMove : function() { ... },
4691       	*/
4692       },
4693       debug: false,
4694       onError: $.empty,
4695       onLoad: $.empty
4696     }, options || {});
4698     var contextOptions = options.context,
4699         eventsOptions = options.events,
4700         cameraOptions = options.camera,
4701         programOptions = options.program,
4702         effectsOptions = options.effects,
4703         canvas, program, camera, renderer;
4705     // Create the WebGL context and store it in a library-shared variable.
4706     gl = WebGL.getContext(canvasId, contextOptions);
4708     if (!gl) {
4709       options.onError();
4710       return null;
4711     }
4713     // Use webgl-trace.js library to trace webgl calls
4714     if (options.debug && WebGLDebugUtils) {
4715     	gl = WebGLDebugUtils.makeDebugContext(gl);
4716     }
4718     // Create a canvas wrapper to handle user events
4719     canvas = new Canvas(gl.canvas, eventsOptions);
4721     // Create a camera
4722     camera = new Camera($.mix(cameraOptions, {
4723       aspect: gl.canvas.width / gl.canvas.height
4724     }));
4726     // Set up the shader program asynchronously
4727     program = Program.factory($.mix({
4728       onSuccess : function(program) {
4729         start(program, canvas, camera, effectsOptions, function(application) {
4730           options.onLoad(application);
4731         }, options.debug);
4732       },
4733       onError : function(e) {
4734         options.onError(e);
4735       }
4736     }, programOptions));
4738     // If the program has loaded correctly, call the onLoad callback
4739     if (program) {
4740       start(program, canvas, camera, effectsOptions, function(application) {
4741         options.onLoad(application);
4742       }, options.debug);
4743     }
4744   };
4746  	return Engine;
4748 }());
4750 // Framework version
4751 BenchGL.version = '0.1';
4753 // WebGL context container
4754 var gl;
4756 }());