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Class Camera

Represents a camera with a point of view over a 3D scene.
Defined in: benchgl.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new Camera.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Gets this Camera's model stack.
Gets the model matrix of this Camera.
Gets the modelView matrix of this Camera.
Gets this Camera's projection stack.
Gets the projection matrix of this Camera.
Resets this Camera, loading identity matrices on top of the view and model stacks.
Updates this Camera's local reference frame.
Gets this Camera's view stack.
Gets the view matrix of this Camera.
Class Detail
Creates a new Camera.
{Object} options
The options to set up this Camera.
{Number} options.fovy
The field of view vertical angle.
{Number} options.aspect
The aspect ratio.
{Number} options.near
The near clipping plane.
{Number} options.far
The far clipping plane.
{Number[]} options.eye Optional
The position vector of this Camera.
{Number[]} options.direction Optional
The viewing direction vector of this Camera.
{Number[]} options.up Optional
The up vector of this Camera.
Method Detail
{MatrixStack} model()
Gets this Camera's model stack.
{MatrixStack} A model matrix stack

{Matrix4} modelMatrix()
Gets the model matrix of this Camera.
{Matrix4} A matrix representing a common transformation to apply to the scene.

{Matrix4} modelViewMatrix()
Gets the modelView matrix of this Camera.
{Matrix4} A matrix representing the full tranformation from object to camera space.

{MatrixStack} proj()
Gets this Camera's projection stack.
{MatrixStack} A projection matrix stack.

{Matrix4} projMatrix()
Gets the projection matrix of this Camera.
{Matrix4} A matrix representing a projective transformation.

Resets this Camera, loading identity matrices on top of the view and model stacks.

Updates this Camera's local reference frame.

{MatrixStack} view()
Gets this Camera's view stack.
{MatrixStack} A view matrix stack

{Matrix4} viewMatrix()
Gets the view matrix of this Camera.
{Matrix4} A matrix representing a transformation from world to camera space.

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