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Class Material

Represents a material, thus a way to express interaction between light and geometric models.
Defined in: benchgl.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new Material.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
setAmbient(r, g, b)
Sets the ambient color of this Material.
setDiffuse(r, g, b)
Sets the diffuse color of this Material.
setEmissive(r, g, b)
Sets the emissive color of this Material.
Sets the shininess of this Material.
setSpecular(r, g, b)
Sets the specular color of this Material.
Class Detail
Creates a new Material.
{Object} options Optional
Contains parameters to create the material.
{Object} options.ambient Optional
Holds the ambient color.
{Object} options.diffuse Optional
Holds the diffuse color.
{Object} options.specular Optional
Holds the specular color.
{Object} options.emissive Optional
Holds the emissive color.
{Number} options.shininess Optional
Specifies the shininess of the material.
Method Detail
{Material} setAmbient(r, g, b)
Sets the ambient color of this Material.
{Number} r
The red component of the color.
{Number} g
The green component of the color.
{Number} b
The blue component of the color.
{Material} Returns this Material.

{Material} setDiffuse(r, g, b)
Sets the diffuse color of this Material.
{Number} r
The red component of the color.
{Number} g
The green component of the color.
{Number} b
The blue component of the color.
{Material} Returns this Material.

{Material} setEmissive(r, g, b)
Sets the emissive color of this Material.
{Number} r
The red component of the color.
{Number} g
The green component of the color.
{Number} b
The blue component of the color.
{Material} Returns this Material.

{Material} setShininess(shininess)
Sets the shininess of this Material.
{Number} shininess
The shininess to set.
{Material} Returns this Material.

{Material} setSpecular(r, g, b)
Sets the specular color of this Material.
{Number} r
The red component of the color.
{Number} g
The green component of the color.
{Number} b
The blue component of the color.
{Material} Returns this Material.

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