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Class Engine

Provides an entry point for BenchGL library.
Defined in: benchgl.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Engine(canvasId, options, effects, events, debug, onError, onLoad)
Creates an instance of BenchGL.
Class Detail
Engine(canvasId, options, effects, events, debug, onError, onLoad)
Creates an instance of BenchGL.
{String} canvasId
The id of the canvas that WebGL exploits.
{Object} options Optional
General options for initializing the library.
{Object} options.context Optional
The options for the WebGL context.
{Object} options.program Optional
The options for the shader program.
{String} options.program.type Optional, Default: 'defaults'
The type of shader program.
{String} options.program.vertex Optional
The vertex shader source.
{String} options.program.fragment Optional
The fragmente shader source.
{String} Optional
The options for the camera.
{Number} Optional, Default: 45
The field of view angle for the camera.
{Number} Optional, Default: 0.1
The near clipping plane for the camera.
{Number} Optional, Default: 100
The far clipping plane for the camera.
{Object} effects Optional
Special effects for the rendering engine.
{Object} events Optional
Functions to eventually handle user events.
{Boolean} debug Optional, Default: false
Is debug active?
{Function} onError Optional
Callback function to call on errors.
{Function} onLoad Optional
Callback function to call after loading succesfully.

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