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Class MatrixStack

Representa a stack for 4x4 matrices.
Defined in: benchgl.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Creates a new MatrixStack.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
Apply a frustum transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Loads a matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Loads the identity matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
lookAt(eye, direction, up)
Apply a lookAt transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Multiplies a matrix with the one on top of this MatrixStack.
perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far)
Apply a perspective transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Pops the top matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Pushes a copy of the top matrix on this MatrixStack.
rotate(angle, x, y, z)
Apply a rotation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
rotateXYZ(rx, ry, rz)
Apply a rotation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
scale(x, y, z)
Apply a scale transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Gets the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
translate(x, y, z)
Apply a translation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
Class Detail
Creates a new MatrixStack.
Method Detail
{MatrixStack} frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
Apply a frustum transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Number} left
The left clipping plane.
{Number} right
The right clipping plane.
{Number} bottom
The bottom clipping plane.
{Number} top
The top clipping plane.
{Number} near
The near clipping plane.
{Number} far
The far clipping plane.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} load(The)
Loads a matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Matrix4} The
matrix to load.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} loadIdentity()
Loads the identity matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} lookAt(eye, direction, up)
Apply a lookAt transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Vector3} eye
The eye vector.
{Vector3} direction
The direction vector.
{Vector3} up
The up vector.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} multiply(The)
Multiplies a matrix with the one on top of this MatrixStack.
{Matrix4} The
matrix to multiply with.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far)
Apply a perspective transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Number} fovy
The vertical field of view angle.
{Number} aspect
The aspect ratio aka the horizontal field of view angle.
{Number} near
The near clipping plane.
{Number} far
The far clipping plane.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} pop()
Pops the top matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} push()
Pushes a copy of the top matrix on this MatrixStack.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} rotate(angle, x, y, z)
Apply a rotation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Number} angle
The rotation angle.
{Number} x
The rotation axis x coordinate.
{Number} y
The rotation axis y coordinate.
{Number} z
The rotation axis z coordinate.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} rotateXYZ(rx, ry, rz)
Apply a rotation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Number} rx
The rotation angle around X axis.
{Number} ry
The rotation angle around Y axis.
{Number} rz
The rotation angle around Z axis.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{MatrixStack} scale(x, y, z)
Apply a scale transformation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Number} x
The x scale factor.
{Number} y
The y scale factor.
{Number} z
The z scale factor.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

{Matrix4} top()
Gets the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Matrix4} The matrix on top of the stack.

{MatrixStack} translate(x, y, z)
Apply a translation to the matrix on top of this MatrixStack.
{Number} x
The x translation factor.
{Number} y
The y translation factor.
{Number} z
The z translation factor.
{MatrixStack} Returns this MatrixStack.

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