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Class Matrix4

Represents a four by four matrix.
Defined in: benchgl.js.

Class Summary
Constructor Attributes Constructor Name and Description
Matrix4(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)
Creates a new Matrix4.
Method Summary
Method Attributes Method Name and Description
Adds this Matrix4 to another one.
Sets this Matrix4 to the identity matrix.
Inverts this Matrix4.
Multiplies this Matrix4 by another one.
Subtracts this Matrix4 to another one.
Transpose this Matrix4.
Adds this Matrix4 to another one.
Copies this Matrix4 in another one.
Matrix4.Frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
Creates a frustum matrix.
Creates the identity matrix.
Inverts this Matrix4.
Matrix4.LookAt(eye, direction, up)
Creates a lookAt matrix.
Multiplies this Matrix4 by another one.
Multiplies a Vector3 by this Matrix4.
Matrix4.Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far)
Creates a perspective matrix.
Matrix4.Rotate(angle, x, y, z)
Creates a general rotation matrix around an axis.
Matrix4.RotateXYZ(rx, ry, rz)
Creates a rotation matrix around an x, y and z axis.
Matrix4.Scale(x, y, z)
Creates a scale matrix.
set(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)
Sets the elements of this Matrix4.
Subtracts this Matrix4 to another one.
Gets a Float32Array representation of this Matrix4.
Matrix4.Translate(x, y, z)
Creates a translation matrix.
Transpose this Matrix4.
Class Detail
Matrix4(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)
Creates a new Matrix4. If no argumnets are supplied returns the identity matrix.
{Number} m11 Optional, Default: 1
The element at row 1 column 1.
{Number} m12 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 1 column 2.
{Number} m13 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 1 column 3.
{Number} m14 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 1 column 4.
{Number} m21 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 2 column 1.
{Number} m22 Optional, Default: 1
The element at row 2 column 2.
{Number} m23 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 2 column 3.
{Number} m24 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 2 column 4.
{Number} m31 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 3 column 1.
{Number} m32 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 3 column 2.
{Number} m33 Optional, Default: 1
The element at row 3 column 3.
{Number} m34 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 3 column 4.
{Number} m41 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 4 column 1.
{Number} m42 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 4 column 2.
{Number} m43 Optional, Default: 0
The element at row 4 column 3.
{Number} m44 Optional, Default: 1
The element at row 4 column 4.
Method Detail
{Matrix4} $add(m)
Adds this Matrix4 to another one. Affects this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} m
The Matrix4 to add.
{Matrix4} This Matrix4 now contains the addition.

{Matrix4} $identity()
Sets this Matrix4 to the identity matrix. Affects this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} This Matrix4 is now an identity matrix.

{Matrix4} $invert()
Inverts this Matrix4. Affects this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} This Matrix4 is now inverted.

{Matrix4} $multiplyMat4(m)
Multiplies this Matrix4 by another one. Affects this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} This Matrix4 now stores the result of the multiplication.

{Matrix4} $sub(m)
Subtracts this Matrix4 to another one. Affects this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} m
The Matrix4 to add.
{Matrix4} This Matrix4 now contains the subtraction.

{Matrix4} $transpose()
Transpose this Matrix4. Affects this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} This Matrix4 is now transposed.

{Matrix4} add(m)
Adds this Matrix4 to another one. Does not affect this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} m
The Matrix4 to add.
{Matrix4} A new matrix containing the addition.

{Matrix4} copy()
Copies this Matrix4 in another one.
{Matrix4} A copy of this Matrix4.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.Frustum(left, right, bottom, top, near, far)
Creates a frustum matrix.
{Number} left
The left clipping plane.
{Number} right
The right clipping plane.
{Number} bottom
The bottom clipping plane.
{Number} top
The top clipping plane.
{Number} near
The near clipping plane.
{Number} far
The far clipping plane.
{Matrix4} A frustum matrix.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.Identity()
Creates the identity matrix.
{Matrix4} The identity matrix.

{Matrix4} invert()
Inverts this Matrix4. Does not affect this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} A new matrix representing the inverted of this MAtrix4.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.LookAt(eye, direction, up)
Creates a lookAt matrix.
{Vector3} eye
The eye vector.
{Vector3} direction
The direction vector.
{Vector3} up
The up vector.
{Matrix4} A lookAt Matrix4.

{Matrix4} multiplyMat4(m)
Multiplies this Matrix4 by another one. Does not affect this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} A new matrix with the result of the multiplication.

{Vector3} multiplyVec3(vector)
Multiplies a Vector3 by this Matrix4. (r = M*v)
{Vector3} A new vector with the result of the multiplication.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far)
Creates a perspective matrix.
{Number} fovy
The vertical field of view angle.
{Number} aspect
The aspect ratio aka the horizontal field of view angle.
{Number} near
The near clipping plane.
{Number} far
The far clipping plane.
{Matrix4} A perspective matrix.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.Rotate(angle, x, y, z)
Creates a general rotation matrix around an axis.
{Number} angle
The rotation angle in radians.
{Number} x
The axis x coordinate.
{Number} y
The axis y coordinate.
{Number} z
The axis z coordinate.
{Matrix4} A general rotation matrix.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.RotateXYZ(rx, ry, rz)
Creates a rotation matrix around an x, y and z axis.
{Number} rx
The rotation angle around x axis.
{Number} ry
The rotation angle around y axis.
{Number} rz
The rotation angle around z axis.
{Matrix4} A XYZ rotation matrix.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.Scale(x, y, z)
Creates a scale matrix.
{Number} x
The scale on x coordinate.
{Number} y
The scale on y coordinate.
{Number} z
The scale on z coordinate.
{Matrix4} A scale matrix.

set(m11, m12, m13, m14, m21, m22, m23, m24, m31, m32, m33, m34, m41, m42, m43, m44)
Sets the elements of this Matrix4.
{Number} m11
The element at row 1 column 1.
{Number} m12
The element at row 1 column 2.
{Number} m13
The element at row 1 column 3.
{Number} m14
The element at row 1 column 4.
{Number} m21
The element at row 2 column 1.
{Number} m22
The element at row 2 column 2.
{Number} m23
The element at row 2 column 3.
{Number} m24
The element at row 2 column 4.
{Number} m31
The element at row 3 column 1.
{Number} m32
The element at row 3 column 2.
{Number} m33
The element at row 3 column 3.
{Number} m34
The element at row 3 column 4.
{Number} m41
The element at row 4 column 1.
{Number} m42
The element at row 4 column 2.
{Number} m43
The element at row 4 column 3.
{Number} m44
The element at row 4 column 4.

{Matrix4} sub(m)
Subtracts this Matrix4 to another one. Does not affect this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} m
The Matrix4 to add.
{Matrix4} A new matrix containing the subtraction.

{Float32Array} toFloat32Array()
Gets a Float32Array representation of this Matrix4.
{Float32Array} A new Float32Array containing the elements of this Matrix.

<static> {Matrix4} Matrix4.Translate(x, y, z)
Creates a translation matrix.
{Number} x
The translation on x coordinate.
{Number} y
The translation on y coordinate.
{Number} z
The translation on z coordinate.
{Matrix4} A translation matrix.

{Matrix4} transpose()
Transpose this Matrix4. Does not affect this Matrix4.
{Matrix4} A new matrix representing the transpose of this Matrix4.

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